Primrose Squash Club

Primrose Squash Club

Lambton Terrace, Jarrow NE32 5QY

Primrose Community Centre boasts two squash courts recently refurbished to an excellent standard. They are bright, warm and deliver a true bounce of the ball. They are at ground level with a glass back design leading to the same level viewing area behind for spectators and players alike and are widely regarded as two of the best courts in the Northumbria squash area.

The Centre is proud to support three squash teams, the men’s first and second teams and also a ladies team. Anyone can play for the teams should you have an interest and there is no requirement to play in the leagues to be a team player.

There is also a Junior Squash section where up and coming future players learn and improve their game with the dedicated assistance of qualified squash coaches. Youngsters from the age of 6 years can learn the game, improve their social skills and benefit from interacting with young people with a shared interest.

There are qualified squash coaches available for more adult members also. Should you require top class coaching to raise your game, make enquiries at the centre for details. Primrose Squash has a reputation for being a friendly, unassuming, welcoming section of Primrose Community Centre and new members soon feel at home amongst more long term, regular players who will be more than happy to “give you a game” no matter what level or ability you play at. You can be assured that once you have experienced playing at Primrose squash you will continue to enjoy being part of a great section for many years to come.


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