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Wayne Eastaugh

Internal Leagues September 2024

Wayne Eastaugh - Sat 07 Sep 2024

John Thompson won for the second month in a row. Top performance was shared by William Young, Aidan Shanley, Jonathan Ward and Dylan Newton. Next league session runs to Fri 11th Oct 2024...


Did you know Leagues information, scoring, rules and more is available on the Wazygoose website? You can see all the info here:

New League

This league session runs up to Fri 11 Oct 2024.

You can view the new league at:

Last Month

You can view the final standings from last month at:

Top Performing Players

No Name Av. Points
1 William Young 6.0000
= Aidan Shanley 6.0000
= Jonathan Ward 6.0000
= Dylan Newton 6.0000
5 Charlie Armstrong 5.7500

The full list of performances is available at:

Entering Your Scores

To enter your scores, first ensure you have activated your Wazygoose account at:

Once activated your can logon to Wazygoose at:

On your Account Home screen you will see a panel with your league opponents, scores and standings. Click the Amend Score link and enter your score.

Claiming A Walkover

In exceptional circumstances you may be able to claim a walkover.

You may claim a walkover if:

  • Despite repeated attempts you have been unable to contact your opponent.
  • You offered to play your opponent a minimum of two matches and he/she has refused and offered no alternatives.
  • You had a match arranged and your opponent cancelled, leaving no reasonable time to re-arrange a match.
  • You have contacted your opponent and agreed to claim a walkover.

Bear in mind that the details you submit will be forwarded to your opponent and the League Manager who may contact you to discuss the details of your claim.

Claim a walkover from the Amend Score link (see above) where your enter your score.

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