Did you know Leagues information, scoring, rules and more is available on the Wazygoose website? You can see all the info here:
New League
This league session runs up to Fri 15 Nov 2024.
You can view the new league at:
Last Month
You can view the final standings from last month at:
Top Performing Players
No | Name | Av. Points |
1 | Sean Woods | 6.0000 |
2 | Charlie Armstrong | 5.7500 |
= | Kristian Stuart | 5.7500 |
4 | George Jenkins | 5.5000 |
= | Rajat Kumar | 5.5000 |
The full list of performances is available at:
Entering Your Scores
To enter your scores, first ensure you have activated your Wazygoose account at:
Once activated your can logon to Wazygoose at:
On your Account Home screen you will see a panel with your league opponents, scores and standings. Click the Amend Score link and enter your score.
Claiming A Walkover
In exceptional circumstances you may be able to claim a walkover.
You may claim a walkover if:
- Despite repeated attempts you have been unable to contact your opponent.
- You offered to play your opponent a minimum of two matches and he/she has refused and offered no alternatives.
- You had a match arranged and your opponent cancelled, leaving no reasonable time to re-arrange a match.
- You have contacted your opponent and agreed to claim a walkover.
Bear in mind that the details you submit will be forwarded to your opponent and the League Manager who may contact you to discuss the details of your claim.
Claim a walkover from the Amend Score link (see above) where your enter your score.