- Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Mick Barnes, Ian Davies, Connor Snaith
- Anita Hammond, Russell Hughes
- Minutes of the Meeting 12th November 2024 agreed.
4.1 - Action Point Update:
5 (12/11/24) Mandy – Advise members of deaths and funeral arrangements for Norman Freeman and Bill Kirtley - completed.
5 (12/11/24) Marc – Make enquiries about external coach – completed. See para 4.3 below.
4.2 - Dashboard
- Marc reported that £1,740 has been transferred to the Treasurer for court bookings, which includes the Boldon Open bookings and £53.20 in membership money transferred. Overall total for the calendar year transferred to the Treasurer is £27,565.95.
4.3 - Squash News
Boldon Open - Saturday 16th November. Marc reported this had gone very well and Cai Younger has asked Boldon to do another 1 or 2 in 2025. The Committee agreed that another one in November 2025 would suffice. Cai has advertised a further 3 Open competitions to take place in the Northern region early in 2025.
AGM – Monday 18th November. Marc reported a poor attendance but takes this as a compliment that our members believe the Squash Committee is doing a good job. Feedback from visiting teams and visitors is that the squash club is run well. Tracey stated that our members know that if they report any problems the Committee will endeavour to rectify things as quickly as possible.
Handicap Auction - Sunday 24th November. Marc reported the Auction went well and more money pledged this year than 2023 (up by £200). However, reimbursements to be made as some players withdrew before play commenced.
Handicap Competition. Matches began Monday 2nd December. Revised figures for the payout to those people who bought players is as follows:-
Cup Winner - £428
Cup runner-up £214
Semi-finalists £98 each
Plate Winner £184
Plate runner-up £92
Semi-finalists £43 each.
Christmas Party – Saturday 14th December. Mandy reported ticket sales are slow, need to firm up numbers for catering purposes. ACTION Mandy – send out notice to members giving deadline for ticket purchase because of catering needs.
External Team Coaching. Further to the suggestion at the last meeting about looking into the costs and viability of external coaching for the team players (particularly the Premier Team), Marc reported that he had spoken to David King-Jones who had received coaching from Paul Lord. The cost of coaching was £20 per session but this had been some time ago so it is likely costs have risen. The Committee members were then given the opportunity to express their views about both the use of external coaches, and utilising funds, for this particular suggestion. As the majority of the Committee were against it, it was agreed not to pursue this matter any further.
4.4 - Squash club maintenance/ improvement
Glass-back Wall. Marc reported our Crowd Funding page is up and running and a number of people have donated. Ian asked if the Club will pay the VAT, Marc responded that he is taking the matter to the Executive.
Kevin and Tracey reported they had undertaken work in the Men’s changing room to unblock the urinals and toilets, however, there is a problem with the waste pipe fittings and problems are likely to occur again. In addition, there appears to be a problem identifying where the water is draining off. The Committee agreed that a plumber should be sought to undertake the necessary work. ACTION Marc/Kevin – seek the services of a reliable plumber. Ian advised that until remedial work has been professionally completed, any further blockages could be rectified by using vinegar for the urinals and caustic soda for the shower waste pipes, plus the use of drain dye to find out where the water is draining off.
Mandy reported that apart from the longstanding enquiries about the lights to be fitted on the driveway and installation of the new cooker; which the TESPS group would like for their Christmas dinner night on 19th December; no other new member feedback has been received.
Cleaning - adequate.
4.5 - Club Executive Committee Feedback
Club Current Account £21k and Reserve Account £50k. Up by £23k this time last year.
New steel doors bought at a cost of £1700 following break in via the fire door. To be fitted both front and back of Club.
Query relating to Directors Loan of £4500 in Club Accounts identified by Accountants as an accounting difference and with the new system now in place this should now be reconciled going forward.
Bar targets beaten and we are likely to receive £14k from LWC over 2 years, beginning with £7k in January 2025.
Isotonic drinks to be supplied behind bar as requested by squash players.
The 1904 lager being reduced from 4% to 3.3% and price reduced. Camden IPA replacing Grand Central.
New Sky box installed, allowing viewing of EFL games.
Function room tables damaged, looking into cost of replacing with new stackable tables.
Suggestion made to put on regular music nights through the winter months to boost custom during the quietest period of the year.
Cricket presentation night went well.
Drainage system now completed.
No cricket training until January 2025.
Letter from Gary Butler asking for update on driveway lights read to Committee – Gary to be advised that quote for lights and electrical work will be ready for the next meeting.
New cooker to be installed by end of November.
Problem with smoke alarm going off in squash area for no apparent reason to be rectified.
Problem with pressure in Squash Men’s showers to be looked into by Seaburn Gas Services.
Club AGM re-scheduled for Tuesday 17th December 7.30pm in Function Room.
Next Executive Meeting scheduled for Monday 16th December at 8pm.
5 - AOB
Tracey reported that the leak has still not been identified and the boiler (in the ladies changing room) is being topped up every day.
The matter of team players not wishing to play in the internal leagues (which is one of the rules of the club) raised by Connor at the last meeting was brought back for full discussion by the Committee. To be decided at discretion of Team Captains backed by the Committee.
Kevin advised the Committee of the annual Team Challenge arrangements:
Monday 16th November – First team v Second team
Wednesday 18th November – Third team v Fourth team
Friday 20th December – Finals plus buffet.
Handicaps to be decided. ACTION Marc/Kevin – to determine handicaps for each team.
Kevin reported that the annual 3 Racket Challenge is scheduled for Sunday 29th December from 12.30-4pm.
Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 7th January 2025 7.15pm