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Clive Lucas

Club News March 2011 Part II

Clive Lucas - Tue 15 Mar 2011

1st Team match, Handicap Squash Tournament and Squash Club Presentation Night...

1st Team match

The men`s 1st team are playing a crunch match against The Northumberland Club (Jesmond) this Thursday 17th March. Andy Staley our number 1 player of 2 seasons ago is making a guest appearance while on leave from the RAF. He will most likely play Dave Barnett the County Champion. The matches will start at 7pm so please give the team your support and enjoy some great squash.

Handicap Squash Tournament

This weekend (Friday 18th and Saturday the 19th March) will be the first of what will be an annual event. The tournament is in memory of Geoff Younger who passed away last year. The entries have now closed but if you want to show your support for this event and see some fun squash the competition will start on Friday at 7pm and Saturday at 5pm. Geoff`s wife Mary will be presenting the trophy to the winner.

Squash Club Presentation Night

The presentation night will be held on Saturday 7th May 2011 after the finals of the club championships. The price and details of tickets will be sent out by email to all members in the next newsletter.

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