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Derek Collins


Derek Collins - Tue 08 Jul 2014

The Maintenance Team has recently carried out the following:


The Maintenance Team has recently carried out the following:

Repair to Men’s Changing room wall. Door stop fitted in the Men’s Changing Room. Drain cover fixed in the Men’s Changing Room shower area.

Door stop fitted at the entrance to the squash section. Wall repaired at the entrance to the squash section.

Wall repaired and painted by the old light machine.

Wall repaired and painted by Court 1.

Door handle to Court 3 repaired. Patch repaired the plaster at the top of the door to Court 3.

New cabinet installed below the Wazygoose screen.

All light shades on the balcony cleaned. Broken bulbs on the balcony replaced.

Broken bulbs on all 4 courts replaced (but see below).

The Honours Boards have been removed for updating.

Court 4 floor has been thoroughly cleaned.

All court heaters were serviced and declared fit for purpose on 8 July 2014.


Old pipes in Men’s Changing Room and above the Wazygoose screen need to be removed.

Light Fittings – There are a number of light fittings on the courts not working. The plan is to replace one on Court 1 but leave the remainder until a decision is reached with regard to replacing all lights (including fittings) with LED lights. We are currently compiling a report for submission to the Executive Committee. In the meantime your patience regarding this matter is greatly appreciated.

All members are requested to report any maintenance issues to a committee member as soon as they occur. Similarly any ideas for improvements should be reported by the same means.

Thank You

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