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Clive Lucas

Squash Court Heaters

Clive Lucas - Sun 23 Sep 2012

The club recently underwent a review of the equipment, maintenance and energy costs...

One of the biggest challenges facing Northern Football Club is the rising cost of energy and because of this the club recently underwent a review of the equipment, maintenance and energy costs within the club.

This review found that our water heating, room heating and squash court heating equipment was either not working properly, not working at all or was old and inefficient and costly.

The club has decided to invest in new equipment in conjunction with the Carbon Trust.

There will be new water heaters and room heaters installed which will be more efficient and ‘greener’.

The impact on the squash section will be the installation of new court heaters to replace the ‘Ambi Rad’ system we have at the moment which is 15 years old, liable to breakdown with replacement parts difficult to obtain and the running costs prohibitive.

We anticipate that there may be a few teething problems until we are able to get the correct settings for the new heaters and ask that members bear with us if this happens.

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