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Derek Collins


Derek Collins - Mon 05 Nov 2012

Below is a list of jobs recently carried out by the Volunteer Maintenance Group.


  1. The ceiling of the shower area in the Men's Changing Room keeps attracting mould. In an effort to prevent this we have applied two coats of anti-mould paint - Thanks Dave Watson.

  2. We have replaced broken bulbs in three of the light fittings on the balcony - Thanks Richard and Derek.

  3. We have replaced broken bulbs on Courts 1 and 2 - Thanks Richard and Derek.

  4. We have reported the broken light fitting in the toilet of the Ladies Changing Room and this should be replaced soon by our contract electrician.

  5. We have started to repair the damage left by the company that replaced the radiators - Thanks Dave Watson. (Note: Our Chairman has recently had a meeting with the installation company and we are waiting for an answer with regard to this damage).

  6. Anyone who has recently used the back staircase to/from the balcony will have noticed the vast improvement to the floor and walls immediately beyond the door between Courts 2 and 3 ! The floor has been painted red and the walls have had a coat of magnolia - Very many thanks Dave Watson.

  7. The heater on Court 3 has now been fixed. The thermostat cover was loose (probably dislodged by a ball)and is now secure. Thanks Derek.(Note: If this becomes a regular occurrence then we will look at fitting a protective 'cage'.

We would welcome any suggestions for improvements to the Squash Section. Please contact a member of the Squash Committee or Derek Collins.

We are always looking for additional members to join our maintenance'gang' - if you think you can help please contact Derek Collins.

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