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Derek Collins


Derek Collins - Tue 23 Oct 2012

See below for the next phase of self help jobs

The next phase of self help jobs to be carried out around the Squash Section include:

  1. A new door lock for the Men's Changing Room has been ordered and will be fitted soon.

  2. The defective light in the toilet of the Ladies Changing Room has been reported and is awaiting replacement.

  3. The lower walls of the entrance to the Men's showers will be covered with white perspex in an effort to prevent further mould/decay.

  4. The loose carpet on the stairs to Court 4 will be fixed soon.

  5. Action is in hand to remove the stains on the balcony carpet.

  6. The Squash Court Heaters have been slightly adjusted, yet again, in an effort to try and reach a 'happy medium' for all players. Please remember that you still have the flixibility to switch off the heaters, via the external wall switch, if the court gets too hot. Also, please remember to check that the external wall switch is switched 'ON' before entering the court.

  7. Finally, as a matter of courtesy to all members please put any rubbish in the bins provided AND, if you see any litter lying around please pick it up and dispose of it.

Regards, Derek

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