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Dave North


Dave North - Wed 03 Mar 2021

Squash is hoping for a return to action on Monday 12th April

Squash is hoping for a return to action on Monday 12th April but just who will be able to pick up a racket is still not clear
England Squash is currently in discussion with government departments and Sport England to see what level of squash activity will be permitted.
Monday’s government announcement of the proposed four step road map out of lockdown, revealed that “indoor leisure (including gyms) open for use individually or within household groups” was set for mid April.

The return of “organised indoor adult sport” was part of Step 3 which would not happen before Monday 17th May.

So England Squash now has the job of looking at the previous guidelines and finding out the exact details of what will be allowed.

There’s little point in anyone at Northern trying to second guess what the arrangements might be - or planning around what anyone thinks SHOULD be acceptable.

So the squash committee will meet as soon as the white smoke emerges from squash HQ. Once we’ve seen how our club can operate, we will immediately let members know.

McCracken Park will be allowed to open for outdoor hospitality on the same day as squash can come out of hibernation, though indoor hospitality is not scheduled to resume till May

Rugby can resume at community level along with other outdoor sports at the end of March though the RFU is going through a similar assessment process as England Squash to work out the details. So at the moment the game to be concentrating on is - patience!

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