
League session ending Friday 07 May 2010
Elo Rankings | Performances | Standings | Tables
Division 1
Name A B C D E
New player Derek Collins A X 5 2 5 5
New player Neil Mason B 2 X 3 5 4
New player David Young (internationalpaint) C 5 2 X
New player Richard Vitty D 2 2 X
New player Alex Storey E 2 3 X
Division 2A
Name A B C D E
New player Dave Williams A X 1 4 2 6
New player Keith Linsley B 6 X 2 3 3
New player Craig Dowie C 3 3 X 1 3
New player Mark Dinsley D 3 4 6 X 5
New player Allan Curry E 1 4 4 2 X
Division 2B
Name A B C D E
New player Bob Aynsley A X 5
New player Alistair Cowie B X 1 1
New player Jacques Dinsley C 6 X 3 3
New player Harry Carr D 2 X 1
New player Roland Orton E 2 6 4 6 X
Division 3A
Name A B C D E
New player Peter Quinn A X 6 5 6 6
New player Robert Roney B 1 X 1 1 1
New player James O'Neill C 2 6 X 5 4
New player Steve Armstrong D 1 6 2 X 5
New player Andrew Clayton E 1 6 3 2 X
Division 3B
Name A B C D E
New player Chris Thompson A X 6 6 6
New player Lance Cope B 1 X 5 5 6
New player Steve Wrightson C 1 2 X 3 3
New player Ray Ballantine D 1 2 4 X 5
New player Austin Main E 1 2 2 X
Division 4A
Name A B C D E
New player Alan Metcalfe A X 5 5 6 6
New player Dave Armstrong B 2 X 6 1 3
New player George Hedley C 2 1 X 2 2
New player Ian Blackshaw D 1 6 5 X 2
New player Clive Lucas E 1 4 5 5 X
Division 4B
Name A B C D E
New player Ben Dinsley A X
New player Ian Campbell B X
New player Brian Richardson C X 6 2
New player Lesley Vitty D 1 X 5
New player Vincent O'Sullivan E 3 2 X
Division 5A
Name A B C D E
New player Alan Muse A X 2 6 5
New player Dave North B 5 X 6 5 6
New player Peter Reed C 1 X 5 1
New player Tony Broughton D 1 2 2 X 3
New player Michelle Robertson E 1 2 6 2 X
Division 5B
Name A B C D E
New player Bert Petty A X 0 6 6 6
New player David Edwardson B 0 X 0 0 0
New player Gus Thompson C 1 0 X 1 1
New player Peter B Thompson D 1 0 6 X 6
New player Sam Birch-Machin E 1 0 6 1 X
Division 6A
Name A B C D E
New player Judith Furniss A X 0 0 0 0
New player Elliott Carr B 0 X 5 5 6
New player John Lennox Snr C 0 2 X 1 6
New player Alex Robertson D 0 2 6 X 6
New player Martin Fletcher E 0 1 1 1 X
Division 6B
Name A B C D E
New player Duncan Hunter A X 6 2 6
New player Terry Phillips B 1 X 1 2 5
New player Sarah Howson C 6 X 6
New player Roger Tames D 5 5 X 6
New player Dick Robertson E 1 2 1 1 X
Division 7A
Name A B C D E
New player Wayne Eastaugh A X 3 6 3 6
New player Norman Foggett B 2 X 6 6 1
New player Joel Birch-Machin C 1 1 X 1 1
New player Ed Amis D 2 1 6 X 1
New player Mike Harrison E 1 6 6 6 X
Division 7B
Name A B C D E
New player Adam Critchley A X
New player David Irwin B X 2
New player Andy Lee C 5 X 5
New player Michael Mattimore D 2 X
New player Norman Atkinson E X
Division 8A
Name A B C D E
New player Lewis Wake A X 6 6
New player Daniel North B 1 X 4 3 2
New player Lyndsey Curry C 3 X 6
New player Thomas Close D 1 4 1 X 4
New player Andy Reay E 5 3 X
Division 8B
Name A B C D E
New player Iain Lumsden A X 3 1
New player Ian Kennedy B 3 X 1
New player Russell Boakes C X
New player Derek Garner D 6 6 X
New player Tommy Williams E X
Division 9A
Name A B C D E
New player Richard Griffiths A X 1 1 wa
New player Stephen Maughan B X
New player Paul Haynes C 6 X
New player Simon Grabham D 6 X
New player Frank Robinson E wf X
Division 9B
Name A B C D E
New player Martin Gray A X 6
New player Sarah Jones B X
New player Theresa Eastaugh C 1 X
New player Iain Mcdonald D X
New player Sam Noble E X
Division 10
Name A B C D E F
New player Beth Robertson A X 1
New player Tom Davis B X
New player Duncan Sim C X 1
New player Cai Younger D 6 6 X 6 6
New player Dylan Younger E 1 X
New player Mathew Quinn F 1 X
Session Top Players

Highest scoring players (so far this session) - points per match averaged over all games available.
(Excludes walkovers)

Last Session's Top Players

Highest scoring players - points per match averaged over all games available.
(Excludes walkovers)

Previous Sessions

You can view the Tables, Final Standings, and Performances for each of the previous league sessions:

End Date Views
11 Oct 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
06 Sep 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
02 Aug 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
28 Jun 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
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