
League session ending Friday 12 June 2015
Elo Rankings | Performances | Standings | Tables
Division 1
Name A B C D E
New player Jamie Pitchford A X 5 4 1 5
New player Emma Gregson B 2 X 1 1
New player Andrew Shipley C 3 X 1 3
New player Neil Mason D 6 6 6 X 6
New player Keith Linsley E 2 6 4 1 X
Division 2A
Name A B C D E
New player Derek Collins A X 6 6 6 6
New player Sam Desbruslais B 1 X 5
New player Dave Williams C 1 X 2 2
New player Martin Bone D 1 2 5 X 4
New player Josie Barker E 1 5 3 X
Division 2B
Name A B C D E
New player Roland Orton A X 4 1 4 6
New player Steve Wrightson B 3 X 1 3 6
New player Tom Wight C 6 6 X 4 6
New player Craig Dowie D 3 4 3 X 5
New player Jacques Dinsley E 1 1 1 2 X
Division 3A
Name A B C D E
New player Richard Vitty A X 3 6 6
New player Bob Aynsley B 4 X 1 6 6
New player Chris Hull C 6 X 5 6
New player Wayne Hollywood D 1 1 2 X 6
New player Tony Broughton E 1 1 1 1 X
Division 3B
Name A B C D E
New player Tim Barker A X 5 6 6
New player John Frew B X 3 6
New player Stan Watson C 2 2 X 5 6
New player Chris Seal D 1 1 2 X 6
New player Alan Muse E 1 1 1 X
Division 4A
Name A B C D E
New player Iain Loughran A X 6 6 5 4
New player Michael Varley B 1 X 4 3 1
New player Stuart Mitchell C 1 3 X 4 1
New player Michelle Robertson D 2 3 3 X 1
New player Joe Prince E 3 6 6 6 X
Division 4B
Name A B C D E
New player Simon Babb A X 4 5 5
New player Tom Cornell B 3 X 6 5 3
New player Martin Gray C 2 1 X
New player Warwick Davis D 2 2 X
New player Andy Moore E 3 X
Division 5A
Name A B C D E
New player Brian Richardson A X 2 3 4
New player Lesley Vitty B 5 X 6 6
New player Duncan Hunter C 1 X 5
New player Bert Petty D 3 1 2 X 6
New player Peter B Thompson E 3 1 X
Division 5B
Name A B C D E
New player Dave North A X 2 6 5 3
New player Joel Birch-Machin B 5 X 6 6 3
New player James Appleby C 1 1 X 6 2
New player Gus Thompson D 2 1 1 X 1
New player Wayne Eastaugh E 4 2 5 6 X
Division 6A
Name A B C D E
New player Ed Amis A X 2 1 3 wf
New player Ian Blackshaw B 5 X 3 6 wf
New player Matthew Thompson C 6 3 X 5 wf
New player Bruce Torrance D 3 1 2 X wf
New player Simon Lynch E wa wa wa wa X
Division 6B
Name A B C D E
New player Andrew Gibson A X 5 3 6 5
New player Vincent O'Sullivan B 2 X 3 6 6
New player Roger Tames C 3 3 X 5
New player Sarah Jones D 1 1 2 X
New player Alexander Linton E 2 1 X
Division 7A
Name A B C D E
New player Andrew Nicol A X 3 2 1 6
New player John Thompson B 3 X 1 2 5
New player Thomas Moore C 5 6 X 5 6
New player David O'Sullivan D 6 5 2 X 6
New player Ken Lakey E 1 2 1 1 X
Division 7B
Name A B C D E
New player Steven McIvor A X wa
New player Thomas Porter B wf X wf 6 5
New player David Edwardson C wa X
New player Emma Richards D 1 X
New player David Irwin E 2 X
Division 8A
Name A B C D E
New player Andy Reay A X 1 3 6 6
New player Kieran Montefiore B 6 X 3 4 5
New player Erin Vitty C 3 4 X 6 5
New player Aanya Hamilton D 1 3 1 X 1
New player Michael Hearns E 1 2 2 6 X
Division 8B
Name A B C D E
New player Lyndsey Curry A X 6 6 6 6
New player Rajiv Ghose B 1 X 1 1
New player Ross Mcleod C 1 6 X 2 5
New player Michael Lockhart D 1 5 X wa
New player Mike Harrison E 1 6 2 wf X
Division 9A
Name A B C D E F
New player Dick Robertson A X 6 4 6 5 6
New player Mark Anderson B 1 X 2 5 4
New player Gavin Turnbull C 3 5 X 2 6 4
New player Dylan Gittins D 1 2 5 X
New player Caroline McIntyre E 2 3 1 X
New player Lucy Anderson F 1 3 X
Division 9B
Name A B C D E F
New player Alan Herbertson A X 6 4 3 5
New player Libby Kahn B 1 X 1 1 3
New player Glen Rae C 3 6 X 2 6 5
New player Megan Evans D 3 6 5 X 3
New player Iain Lumsden E 2 1 4 X
New player Simon Roberts F 3 2 X
Division 10
Name A B C D E
New player Jack Ford A X
New player Lois Cherry B X wa
New player Louise Shaw C wf X 1 1
New player Sophie Freeman D 6 X 3
New player Megan Freeman E 6 2 X
Session Top Players

Highest scoring players (so far this session) - points per match averaged over all games available.
(Excludes walkovers)

Last Session's Top Players

Highest scoring players - points per match averaged over all games available.
(Excludes walkovers)

Previous Sessions

You can view the Tables, Final Standings, and Performances for each of the previous league sessions:

End Date Views
11 Oct 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
06 Sep 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
02 Aug 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
28 Jun 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
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