
League session ending Tuesday 31 October 2023
Elo Rankings | Performances | Standings | Tables
Name A B C D E
New player David Black A X 5 5
New player David Birkin B 1 X 5
New player John Kingsbury C 2 X 3
New player Nicolas Child D 3 5 X 5
New player Harvey Branton E 3 X
Division 1
Name A B C D E
New player Karl Rudman A X 2 5
New player Hashim Din B X
New player Steve Nicholson C 5 X 5 5
New player Guy Wingate D 1 1 X
New player Ned Parker E 2 X
Division 2
Name A B C D E
New player Paul Robinson A X 5 5 5
New player Paul Thurland B X
New player Ian Ellison C 1 X 1
New player Mark Gates D 1 5 X
New player Daniel Bentham E 2 X
Division 3
Name A B C D E
New player Hendrix Matthee A X wa
New player Darren Bentham B X 1 3 1
New player Gary Lockwood C 5 X 5 1
New player Anthony Hood D 5 1 X 1
New player Francis Jones E wf 5 5 5 X
Division 4
Name A B C D E F
New player James Curry A X 5 5 5 5 5
New player Jennifer Hitch B 2 X 5 5
New player Michael Bould C 2 3 X 5 5 5
New player David Wood D 1 2 X 5
New player Andrew Parker E 3 2 X 1
New player Tom Sowerby F 1 2 2 3 5 X
Division 5
Name A B C D E
New player Richard Smith A X 2
New player David Hunter B X
New player Dan Scott C X 5 5
New player Andy Mottershead D 5 3 X 1
New player Glynn Bartliff E 1 5 X
Division 6
Name A B C D
New player Zara Leggett A X 1 2
New player Mike Powell B 5 X 3
New player Ian Leggett C 5 X 2
New player Victoria Black D 5 5 X
Division 7
Name A B C D E
New player Stephen Priestley A X
New player Brett Hindle B X 1
New player Rob Eveson C X 1
New player Otis Webb D X
New player Giles Ward E 5 5 X
Division 8
Name A B C D E
New player Sarah Townsend A X 1 2 3 2
New player Alan Lambert B 5 X 1 5 1
New player Steven Winter C 5 5 X 5 3
New player Steve Metcalfe D 5 2 2 X 1
New player David Hornby E 5 5 5 5 X
Division 9
Name A B C D E F
New player Jessica Pawley A X 5 5 5 5
New player David Dodgson B X 5
New player Andrew Dale C 3 X 5 5 5
New player John Walker D 2 2 X 3 5
New player Rosie Carlton E 1 1 1 5 X 1
New player Nigel Jeffryes F 3 1 2 5 X
Division 10
Name A B C D E
New player David Smith A X 5
New player Amy Ruse B X 5
New player Daniel Thompson C X
New player Paul Cockerill D 2 1 X 1
New player Neil Swanson E 5 X
Session Top Players

Highest scoring players (so far this session) - points per match averaged over all games available.
(Excludes walkovers)

Last Session's Top Players

Highest scoring players - points per match averaged over all games available.
(Excludes walkovers)

Previous Sessions

You can view the Tables, Final Standings, and Performances for each of the previous league sessions:

End Date Views
30 Sep 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
31 Aug 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
30 Apr 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
04 Apr 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
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