League Suspended

The Summer Squash singles handicapped league 2 is currently suspended and has no active games. You can still view all historical information.


League session ending Thursday 31 August 2023
Elo Rankings | Performances | Standings | Tables
Division 1
Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V
New player David Wood A X 3
New player Giles Ward B X 3 2 5 5 5
New player John Walker C X 2 1 3 2 5 5
New player Geoff Hogg D X
New player Jessica Pawley E X
New player Keith Brentnall F 3 5 X 3 5 5 5
New player Dan Scott G 5 5 X 5 5 5 1 5 5
New player Daniel Thompson H 1 X 3
New player David Smith I X
New player Brett Hindle J 5 X
New player Rosie Carlton K 1 1 2 X 2 2 3 2 3
New player Andy Mottershead L 5 5 1 5 5 X 5
New player Paul Cockerill M X
New player Richard Smith N 5 2 5 5 X
New player Rob Eveson O X
New player Laura Beedle P 2 2 1 5 X 2 1
New player Amy Ruse Q 2 2 1 5 X
New player David Dodgson R 5 X
New player David Bullock S 2 5 X
New player Oliver Stonehouse T X
New player Lance Gilroy U X
New player Muskaan Assudani V 2 5 X
Session Top Players

Highest scoring players (so far this session) - points per match averaged over all games available.
(Excludes walkovers)

Previous Sessions

You can view the Tables, Final Standings, and Performances for each of the previous league sessions:

End Date Views
31 Aug 2024 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
31 Aug 2023 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
No more sessions