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Clive Lucas

Club News April 2013 Part 2

Clive Lucas - Sun 21 Apr 2013

Updates on the new Lights Payment System, the 2013 Club Championships, Club Presentation Night and Dates For Your Diaries...

Squash Court Lights Payment System

Following the last newsletter some members have queried the need to change the way we pay for booking squash courts.

After more than a decade, paying for courts via the card and light meter system has reached its serviceable life. It is no longer possible to maintain the light meter as the original supplier is no longer in business and the system itself is obsolete. It has therefore imperative that we replace the current system with one that embraces our philosophy of maximising the squash experience for members.

The introduction of the Wazygoose on line booking system in September 2010 provided members with enormous flexibility and convenience. As members evolved their booking habits, a constant complaint has been that peak time courts are regularly cancelled at late notice or on the day in question, preventing other members the opportunity to use the said courts. I‘m sure that all members would agree, we have a personal responsibility to each other to ensure court time is available whenever possible.

To address the objectives above, the new payment system will be implemented on 1st June 2013. It will enable continued ease of booking courts, while ensuring maximum court time available.

As with all change, I am sure there will be some early issues and we will monitor it closely and welcome all feedback.

In addition, I am delighted to report that while supporting the cost of implementation of the new system, the Executive Committee of Northern Football Club has agreed that the membership and court fees will remain the same for the season 2013/14.

We continue to be the most progressive and most affordable squash experience in the area

In the next newsletter we will answer more questions about how the new system will work and the cancellation/refund policy.



Email Derek Collins ( or Alex Storey ( or adding your name to the Entry Form on the downstairs Club Notice Board.

Annual Squash Club Presentation Night

The Presentation Night / Club Championship finals night is on Saturday 18th May 2013. The tickets are priced at £12.50 per person for adults and £10.00 per person for juniors (15 Years and under). There will be hot and cold buffet, back ground music and various quizzes. The tickets will be available as from Monday 22nd April. As there is limited seating please get your tickets as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Tickets can be obtained from Derek Collins ( or Clive Lucas (

Dates for your diaries

Friday 26th April- English Night (English themed menu).6pm to 9pm, £6.50 all you can eat.

Friday 10th May - Northern Club Dinner - more details to follow

Friday 17th May - Pie night. 6pm to 9pm, £6.50 all you can eat.

Friday 31st May - Curry night. 6pm to 9pm, £6.50 all you can eat.

Friday 7th/Saturday 8th June - NORTHERN BEER FESTIVAL

Friday 14th June - Fish and Chips. 6pm to 9pm, £6.95.

Friday 28th June - NORTHERN CLUB BBQ. 6pm to 9pm

Clive Lucas
Northern Squash Club Committee

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