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Clive Lucas

Club News September 2013

Clive Lucas - Wed 18 Sep 2013

New features added to the Squash Court Lights Payment System, new scoring options for our Internal Leagues, news on maintenance and dates for your diaries...

Squash Court Lights Payment System

There have been a couple of new features added to the system:

  1. A peak time booking can be transferred to another time on the same day but you must use the booking screen to do this. When you click on the red X the system will ask you if you want to cancel, do nothing or transfer the booking. Then select the time you require and the booking will be transferred without a penalty charge.

  2. There have been a few instances where members have booked the wrong date or time, if this is within 7 days of the booking date it did result in a penalty charge. If you realise at once that you have made an incorrect booking you will now have 5 minutes grace to cancel and re book.

  3. The feature of being able to book 10, 20 or 30 minutes on a free court will be available sometime this month.

We will continue to update and revise the system as needed.

P.S. Squash etiquette.

If you have not booked the court give your opponent your portion of the court fee as soon as you get to the club. This avoids any embarrassment.

Internal Leagues

More and more squash players are now using the PAR (point a rally) scoring system. All juniors use this method and all national and regional competitions and now the Northumbria Leagues are using it as well. The squash committee has decided that as from the next league session participants can choose either to use the traditional method of scoring ( to 9 not scoring a point if not serving) or to use PAR scoring to 11. If the players cannot agree on which system to use the default method will be the traditional scoring system.


The male changing/shower area has been refurbished with an extract fan installed and an air flow grill put into the door. The air changing system in the ceiling has also been made larger. We are hopeful that this work will eradicate the mould/damp that occurred.

The courts walls have been cleaned on courts 1, 2 & 4. Thank you to the volunteers who made this possible.

It is hopeful that other small items of maintenance will be carried out in the next few weeks.

The maintenance at the club is done by Derek Collins , Richard Vitty and Dave Watson with help from others when appropriate. They give their time and expertise for free. Thank you.

Dates for your diaries:

Friday 27th September - British Food Night with English (steak and ale pie), Scottish (haggis and neeps) and Welsh themes (chicken and leek pie) - 6pm to 9pm, £6.50 for all you can eat.

Friday 25th October - Fish and Chips night - 6pm to 9pm, £6.95

Friday 15th November - Curry night - 6pm to 9pm, £6.50 for all you can eat.

Friday 29th November - Pie night - 6pm to 9pm, £6.50 for all you can eat.

Clive Lucas
Northern Squash Club Committee

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