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Clive Lucas

Uganda Trip for Ladies Champion Josie Barker

Clive Lucas - Sun 17 Jan 2016

Ladies Champion Josie Barker is to complete a World Challenge event to Uganda

Josie Barker our current Ladies Club Champion and England Ranked No. 4 in the under 17's catagory is doing a world challenge trip to Uganda in summer. As part of this she does a trek, something in the community (eg helping build a well, road, hospital school etc) and then a 2 day safari at the end.

To fund this she has to raise about £2500. Some of you have already sponsored her for doing the Boxing Day dip and many thanks for that.

We are now, as previously "advertised" having an "entertainment night" at Northern on 30 January. Start time from 7pm, finish about midnight. Tickets are £8 for adults and £4 for under 18s. There will be a few nibbles, mini buffet, party games, a raffle, quiz and a disco at the end of the night. A few surprises thrown in. The aim is to raise money and for us all to have a good night.

Josie and Tim (and hopefully Derek) will be carrying tickets round the club over the next couple of weeks so please buy some for yourselves, wives partners kids etc. Or mail or ring Tim. Tickets selling fast so get in whilst you can.

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