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Dermot Hamblin

ASC - Board of Trustees

Dermot Hamblin - Wed 22 Jul 2020

Update from the Trustees

Ashbrooke Sports Club – Update for Members

We trust everyone is continuing to manage to stay safe during this phase of the effort against Coronavirus, which is enabling some social interaction. We are gradually seeing some further activities being possible in and around the Club so thought it useful to bring members up to date including some news which will delight regular users of the clubhouse.

Let’s start with that – fans of Diego have wanted to know if and when he would be returning to some sort of service. Following a meeting with trustees, we have agreed on a pathway to return which should see Diegos opening with a takeaway service in early August. We are delighted to have him back and look forward to completing a few logistical arrangements and meeting that early August target.

Ashbrooke Therapies under Joanne has reopened, and Mark will resume his 1:1 fitness sessions with clients through the Fitnessbank from Monday 3rd August. Both of these facilities will operate to government and governing body safety criteria and link very much with the measures already in place in the Clubhouse.

We do not yet a date for recommencement of access to the gym for gym members and we will address that in the next week or so. To help us do that and to support the activities outlined in this note and other things, Gerard Harvey will return to work mornings only with immediate effect.

Sports within the site received a further boost this week with the news that Squash will return in an adjusted form of the game this weekend. Along with the return of a full cricket programme for the next two months and Bowls available to those who want to play, it is good to see some activity and a return to something near what we are here to provide – a first-class sports offering for all seasons. Rugby fixtures are also out with the early age groups ready to start soon and senior and ladies fixtures also prepared for the autumn.

Most of you will know that the clubhouse has re-opened over the past two weekends both of which have been a success. There are a few issues that still need to be sorted out and we are actively working on those in line with the licencing authorities but. with the increased level of activity on-site, we feel we can now proceed to open the club daily. From Monday 27th July we will be open in the main bar upstairs on the same socially distanced arrangements that have been in place over recent weekends. The bar will open at 5.00pm and close at 9.00 pm for the first week.

We are working as diligently as possible in the time available to deal with all of the challenges thrown at us in recent months. There will still be things that do not happen as they previously did and there are rules and regulations around many things that we are now able to do that didn’t exist before. However we hope you are able to enjoy the things that have been brought back, please bear with us and especially the staff on-site as they endeavour to make everyone’s experience as enjoyable and safe as possible.

We will update you on further developments as soon as possible.


Ashbrooke Sports Club

22nd July 2020

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