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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Mon 26 Sep 2022

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 9th August 2022

1. Attendance

Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Anita Hammond, Mick Barnes, Russell Hughes

2. Apologies

Ian Davies, Tracey Coats, Connor Snaith, Mark Flynn

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

• Minutes of the Meeting 11th July 2022 agreed

4. Matters Arising/Action Points

4.1 Action Point Update:

• 4.3 Sponsorship of team shirts by Colin Dumble (CDTiling) confirmed for a further 2 years.

• 4.5 Marc confirmed first payment received from Vertu Motors, invoice sent for second quarter.

• 4.5 Following issue of email at least 10 volunteers have agreed to assist with the annual court wall cleaning.

• 4.5 Marc has received a quote of £550 for the rubberised floor for the Men’s changing room and a 2m sample strip. However, he is to speak to the original plumbing company about re-direction of the water flow prior to progressing the floor replacement. BEING CARRIED FORWARD:

• 5 Kevin & Mandy – Updating Safeguarding Policies – ongoing.

4.2 Northumbria Squash Summer Teams

• Marc reported that the Bandits are in prime position for the semi final on 10th September, the finals are being held on 11th September. The Lions are mid-table.

4.3 Team Squash 2022/2023

• Marc confirmed that the numbers have been agreed and John Thompson, League Secretary, has been informed of our 4 teams and the fixtures are as follows:

o Boldon 1 and 2 will play Monday 7pm

o Boldon 3 will play Tuesday 7pm

o Boldon 4 will play Wednesday 7pm.

• Agreed a separate meeting is needed to finalise team captains and team allocation plus reserves.

• ACTION – Marc to issue email about Team Squash meeting to be held on Monday 22nd August.

4.4 Team Sponsorship

• Marc confirmed he had received payment from Colin Dumble for team shirt sponsorship.

• Discussion held about the different squash club shirts. It was agreed that the club shirts are those sponsored by Vertu Motors (the sale of which go directly into squash funds) and the team shirts are those sponsored by CDTiling and given to team players.

• ACTION – Mandy to write formally on behalf of the Committee to thank Colin Dumble.

4.5 Membership Fees 2022/23

• As per the Committee’s agreement at the last meeting members will be informed that the fees for 2022/23 will remain the same as follows:

o £65 for existing members up to 31st August 2022

o £75 if paid from 1st September 2022 and for new members

o £24 for Students on production of a valid student card

o £12 for Under16s

o £42 Day member

• The Committee agreed payment wherever possible should be via Wazygoose, no cheques are acceptable and cash should not be left behind the bar but passed to either Marc or Kevin. ACTION – Mandy to issue email to members accordingly

4.6 Dashboard

• Marc did a walkthrough of the Dashboard and advised the Committee that £897 has been transferred to the Club Treasurer for court bookings and £57 for squash memberships.

o Squash bank account healthy.

o Membership now 173.

4.7 Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Changing room – see update at Action Point Update on Page 1

• Cleaning service – reported by Kevin as average, still being monitored. ACTION – Anita is to obtain details of cleaners and report at next meeting.

• Anita reported a lack of hand soap in the Ladies Changing room that will be obtained forthwith.

4.8 Club Executive Committee Feedback

• Marc advised there is nothing to report, as the next Executive meeting does not take place until Monday 15th August.


• Kevin showed the Committee various styles online for the team shirts for the 22/23 season, and it was agreed to buy grey/green shirts. Mick suggested buying shorts to match the team shirts with the logo Boldon Squash. ACTION – Marc to request t-shirt sizes for all team players and pass to Kevin for ordering.

• Kevin reported that £270 has been raised from The Racket music night ticket sales for squash funds.

• Mandy proposed that as the band play for free but have studio costs as well as travel costs a small donation could be made to the 4 band members.

o The Committee agreed to donate £80 to The Racket group. ACTION – Mandy to pass money direct to Bob Pullen.

• Anita queried access to the new secure cabinet housing the cordless vacuum. ACTION – Kevin to pass keys to Anita.

• Kevin raised the matter of the annual England Squash fees of £12.50 per team player that Marc explained has previously been paid by the Club. A suggestion was made that a small contribution be requested from the players, however following a lengthy discussion the Committee agreed that the Club should be asked to continue to pay. ACTION – Marc to send invoice to new Club Treasurer.

• The Committee agreed that the Squash AGM should be held on Monday 12th September at 7.15pm. ACTION – Mandy to draft reports with input from Marc and pass to Committee for approval prior to sending information to members via Wazygoose.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 5th September 2022 at 7.15pm

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