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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Wed 09 Nov 2022

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 5th Sep 2022

1 - Attendance

Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Anita Hammond, Mick Barnes, Connor Snaith

2 - Apologies

Ian Davies, Russell Hughes, Mark Flynn

3 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting

• Minutes of the Meeting 9th August 2022 agreed.

4 - Matters Arising/Action Points

4.1 - Action Point Update

• 4.3 Marc issued the email and the Team Squash meeting was held 22nd August.

• 4.4 Mandy wrote to Colin Dumble thanking him for his continued sponsorship of the Team shirts.

• 4.5 2022/23 membership fee notification sent via Wazygoose by Marc owing to technical difficulties experienced by Mandy.

• 4.7 Anita has passed details of a cleaner to Kevin.

• 5. Team shirt details passed to Kevin by Marc, t-shirts now on order.

• 5. Mandy has passed on donation to Bob Pullen for The Racket members.

• 5. Key for new vacuum cupboard passed by Kevin to Anita.

• 5. Marc has passed England Squash affiliation fee invoice to Club Treasurer.

• 5. AGM Report 2022 completed in advance of AGM being held on Monday 12th September - BEING CARRIED FORWARD

• 5 Kevin & Mandy – Updating Safeguarding Policies – ongoing.

4.2 - Northumbria Squash Summer Teams

• Marc reported that the Bandits are playing Benwell Hill in the play-offs at Tynemouth on 10th September, and the winner plays either Westoe or Primrose in the semi-final. The finals are being held on 11th September. • Boldon Lions ended 8th in the Division.

4.3 - Team Squash 2022/2023

• Marc confirmed the squads have been passed to the Captains.

• Ian Mapstone has agreed to captaincy of the 2nd Team.

• Stuart Finlay has asked to play in the 2nd Team, not the 1st.

• Connor explained he has put his team in order of play but expects there may be some challenges, which may also happen in the 2nd team.

• Marc explained the first games will commence w/c 19th September and the fixtures will go on the Noticeboard once they have been finalised on Wednesday 7th September.

4.4 - Dashboard

• Marc did a walkthrough of the Dashboard reporting membership renewal is going well at 119 to date. He advised the Committee that £810 has been transferred to the Club Treasurer for court bookings and almost £7k for squash memberships.

o Squash bank account healthy.

• The August court bookings are down, however the Committee believe this may be due to a number of factors such as the recent heat wave and holiday bookings following the end of Covid-related travel restrictions.

4.5 - Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Changing room – Marc and Kevin have spoken to Chris Ellison who has suggested removing the cladding and carrying out the work themselves. Once work done, the floor can be updated. ACTION – Marc and Kevin.

• Water leak investigated by Seaburn Gas but they are unable to pin point the cause without shutting down the heating system for a while, which unfortunately can’t be done as it will have a detrimental impact on the squash club.

• Cleaning service – reported by Kevin as patchy, particular problems about cleanliness in the Ladies shower area. Overall monitoring still being done. Committee discussed possibility of alternative cleaning services. ACTION – Kevin to contact the cleaner that Anita passed him details of.

• Marc expressed thanks to the court wall cleaning team for the work already undertaken on 3 courts, the final one is scheduled for cleaning on Tuesday 6th September.

4.6 - Club Executive Committee Feedback

• Marc reported there is one new cricket member and one new social member joined in July.

• There was a very successfully attended Finals day held on 21st August, won by Boldon, and the matches were live streamed on YouTube.

• Boldon 1st Team finished mid table but unfortunately the 2nd Team look likely to be relegated.

• The Cricket section is looking to upgrade their nets next winter but have been quoted £40k.

• George Ellison is currently working on a maintenance list for the Club that will be put to the Executive Committee for prioritisation.

• One of the main priorities the Executive has already identified is replacement of the Club entrance doors and quotes are currently being sought.

• The Racket Christmas Party Night is confirmed as Friday 16th December.

5 - AOB

• Mandy suggested that the Squash Committee spend money upfront to provide a buffet on The Racket Christmas Party Night and subsequently recoup some of the cost from the ticket sales.

o The Committee agreed to the expenditure.

Date of Next Meeting – TBC depending on Team fixtures

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