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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Sat 14 Jan 2023

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 18th October 2022

1 - Attendance

Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Mick Barnes, Mark Flynn, Ian Davies, Connor Snaith, Russell Hughes

2 - Apologies

Tracey Coats, Anita Hammond

3 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting

• Minutes of the Meeting 5th September 2022 agreed.

4 - Matters Arising/Action Points

4.1 - Action Point Update

• 4.5 Removal of cladding in Men’s Changing room not necessary. Unfortunately the planned work to the floor for 18 & 19th October is cancelled as the drain is incorrect for the rubber flooring to be laid.

o Following chat with Colin Dumble Marc is to contact New Image for advice and if they are unable to carry out the work CD has provided an alternative contact.

o Members to be advised that showers can be used.

• 4.5 Alternative cleaner – no progress with Anita’s cleaner despite Kevin leaving messages.

• 5 Kevin & Mandy – Updating Safeguarding Policies – ongoing.

4.2 - Northumbria Squash Summer Teams

• Marc reported that in the Finals the Bandits came 3rd after defeating Westoe but losing to Benwell Hill.

4.3 - Team Squash 2022/2023

• Marc confirmed the teams are off to a good start to the new season:

o 1st team 3-1

o 2nd team 3-0

o 3rd team 0-2

o 4th team 2-1

4.4 - Dashboard

• Marc did a walkthrough of the Dashboard reporting membership renewal is 139 to date. He advised the Committee that £893.25 has been transferred to the Club Treasurer for court bookings and £1,031,70 for squash memberships in September. o Squash bank account healthy.

4.5 - Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Changing room – covered in Action Point Update above.

• Cleaning – covered in Action Point Update above.

• Marc reported concern about rain coming in the main entrance door to the squash club and Mark F suggested putting in storm seal insulation.

• ACTION – Kevin to progress.

4.6 - Club Executive Committee Feedback

• Mandy reported that the bulk of the Executive meeting was taken up with a presentation by a number of members of East Boldon Forum which is looking at a long term plan to bring a number of sports and community activities within the local area into a Boldon Sport Hub at a site such as Boldon Cricket and Squash Club.

o The Club Treasurer, John Kilner, stated although the concept is good the governance needs further investigation and it is an item for the Executive Committee to consider.

o A further meeting will take place with the Forum members early in the New Year.

• Club Priority Maintenance List compiled and Executive to consider rating each in order of priority and cost.

o Replacement aluminium doors for the main Club entrance have been purchased although delivery is expected to take 6-8 weeks.

o Boiler problem to be added to the list. Chris Ellison to chase up on the water leak.

• Price rises in the bar expected shortly owing to Marstons increasing their prices.

• Treasurer is looking at increasing price of long term function room hire to cover costs of heating, cleaning etc.

• 4 new cricket memberships received but no new social memberships.

• Peter Crane has resigned from the Cricket Committee.

• Defibrillator training on Monday 24th October in the Function Room – all members welcome.

• On behalf of the Squash Committee Mandy raised a complaint with the Executive Committee about the unacceptable behaviour of Cricket juniors (under 13s) during Cricket Finals Night who were caught on camera being let in the squash front door and proceeded to run amok in the squash club and marked Court 3 floor.

4.7 - Squash AGM Feedback

• Mandy reported that two items were raised during the 2022 AGM for the Committee to consider.

• The first matter, raised by Ted Staincliffe, is a request for a discount for OAP membership.

o This was discussed by the Committee but not agreed on the basis that current squash membership fees are reasonably low and of good value for the facilities provided and especially compared to other clubs in the area.

• The second matter, raised by Mick Barnes, is a request to consider blocking off the courts for the duration of the Squash AGM to encourage more members to attend.

o After some discussion the Committee agreed blocking the courts would neither be cost effective, nor would it encourage members to attend the AGM instead of playing.

5 - AOB

• Ian reported there is currently no hot water in the Bar Men’s Toilets

• ACTION – Marc to raise matter at the next Executive for inclusion in the Club Maintenance list.

• Mick queried whether the Squash Handicap format is challenging enough and asked whether the Committee had ideas to make it a more exciting competition, perhaps by finding out what other clubs do.

o Connor suggested the minus points could be increased rather than increasing the plus points for the lower ranked players.

• The Handicap meeting is scheduled for Thursday 17th November.

• Kevin reported that the Honours Boards have been updated and are to be displayed on the wall behind court 1.

• Kevin reported that an Under 10 £6 category needs to be included on the Wazygoose membership section. In addition, a Cricket top up membership fee needs to be considered.

• ACTION – Marc to raise matter of current cricket membership fees/top-up fees at the next Executive meeting.

• Kevin reported that the monitors in the squash corridor are no longer working and may need replacing.

• ACTION – Kevin to purchase monitors if necessary.

• Kevin proposed that the Squash Byelaws be updated – in light of the recent cricket juniors unsupervised behaviour in the squash club – to reflect that U16s must be supervised at all times by an Over 18 squash member.

o The proposal was seconded by Ian Davies and agreed by all the Committee.

• Kevin raised a delicate matter about the declining health of a previous long-standing member who is benefitting by visiting the squash club occasionally and playing with a friend during the day, and suggested the Committee allow day membership at court fee cost only for as long as this person is able to continue playing.

o The Committee agreed unanimously to this suggestion.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 14th November at 7.15pm

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