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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Sat 14 Jan 2023

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 8th December 2022

1 - Attendance

Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Anita Hammond, Mark Flynn, Ian Davies

2 - Apologies

Connor Snaith, Russell Hughes, Mick Barnes

3 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting

• Minutes of the Meeting 14th November 2022 agreed.

4 - Matters Arising/Action Points

4.1 - Action Point Update

• 4.5 Seal for main entrance door is adequate for now, but silicone is required for the door sides and bottom - Kevin.

• 5 Hot water re-instated in the Bar toilets.

• 5 Cricket membership fee is £60 therefore top-up fee is to be raised to £15.

• 4.4 Men’s Changing Room shower floor to be replaced early January, quote for plumbing and floor installation £900 + VAT.

o Possibility of using this firm to quote for Ladies Changing Room upgrade.

• 5 Memo to members issued regarding changes to internal league match results.

o No feedback from league players to date.

4.2 - Team Squash 2022/2023

• Marc confirmed the teams are doing well, current standings are:

o Boldon 1 top of Division 2

o Boldon 2 top of Division 3

o Boldon 3 6th in Division 3

o Boldon 4 2nd in Division 5

• The internal Team Challenge dates now scheduled (although may be clash with World Cup round on 19th December). Teams will be handicapped at -8; -4; 0; +4.

4.3 - Dashboard

• Marc did a walkthrough of the Dashboard reporting membership renewal is 155 to date. He advised the Committee that £867.75 has been transferred to the Club Treasurer for court bookings and £589 for squash memberships.

o Squash bank account healthy.

4.4 - Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Kevin reported he has LED strip lights to replace the existing fluorescent strip lights.

• Kevin advised the Committee he had been asked about obtaining a TV monitor and electronic scoring tablet for Court 1 – after a quick discussion the Committee agreed to purchase these items for Court 1 and if they are successfully received then similar expenditure is granted to purchase the same items for Court 2.

• Cleaning – concern continues over the current standard of the cleaning, and a replacement cleaner or cleaning company still needs to be identified.

4.5 - Handicap Auction

• Marc thanked everyone for their participation this year, particularly Joe, Neil, Anita, Tracey, Kevin and Mandy. The event was well attended and the auction takings were higher than last year, and the intention is to extend the pay out to the buyers of the runners up this year.

4.6 - Club Executive Committee Feedback

• Marc reported there is an imminent change in the company supplying beer to the Club, which is LWC. He advised the Committee that John Kilner, the Club Treasurer, had done a large amount of background work to establish drinking trends and spends to help identify which company would be the most economically effective for the Club.

• No new Social members were reported.

• Marc explained that although the Executive Committee had a brief discussion regarding the rising energy costs there is nothing to report back on at this point in time.

5 - AOB

• Ian asked if the car parking issues could be raised again with the Executive Committee particularly relating to hirers of the function room being specifically required to park at the top of the drive and not the main car park meant for members.

• Marc was also asked to raise the matter once again of removal of the piles of wood in the main car park.

• Marc reported receipt of the sponsorship money from Vertu Motors and once again thanked Mark Flynn for organising this.

• Mandy asked if more bottles of wine/spirits could be donated for the raffle on the Christmas Party Night (16th December). Mark F reported he is donating prizes from Vertu Motors, for which Mandy thanked him for the Company’s generosity.

• Kevin advised that the Christmas ‘Non-members’ £10 fee for Courts 1 & 2 will run again this year, supervised by him.

• Kevin reported that the ceiling fans for Courts 1 & 2 have been purchased and will be fitted in due course. Court 4 to be replaced too in the near future.

• 50th Anniversary June 2023 – some suggestions have been made but the Committee agreed to make this matter an Agenda Item for proper discussion in January 2023.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 9th January 2023 at 7.15pm

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