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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Thu 02 Mar 2023

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 9th January 2023

1 - Attendance

Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Anita Hammond, Mark Flynn, Ian Davies, Mick Barnes

2 - Apologies

Connor Snaith, Russell Hughes

3 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting

• Minutes of the Meeting 8th December 2022 agreed.

4 - Matters Arising/Action Points

4.1 - Action Point Update

• 4.5 Silicone for the main door sides and bottom to be done when door dries out - Kevin.

• 4.4 TV monitor for court 1 purchased, to be installed in near future – Kevin.

• 5 Ceiling fan fitted on court 1, court 2 repaired, spare fan for court 4 to be fitted in near future – Kevin.

4.2 - Team Squash 2022/2023

• Marc reported that the second half of the season began tonight, 9th January, with Boldon 1 playing Tynemouth.

o Boldon 2 v Boldon 3 will play Tueday 10th January

o Boldon 3 currently 6th in league so are to be strengthened by moving players Tim Smith and Adam Jassett

o Boldon 4 rearranged: Marc now 2; Eoghan now 3; Dave Ramsay now 4

• The internal Team Challenge matches went well, the Handicaps worked well for all the teams and the matches were well attended.

o Marc thanked everyone for their participation, with special thanks to Kevin, Tracey and Mandy for arranging the buffet on the finals night.

o Mick reported two matches that were particularly noteworthy – Kevin v Stuart Finlay (Team 4 v Team 2 Knockout) and Barry Turnbull v Anthony Brown (Team 4 v Team 1 final).

4.3 - Dashboard

• Marc did a walkthrough of the Dashboard reporting membership renewal is 157 to date. He advised the Committee that £943.50 has been transferred to the Club Treasurer for court bookings and £152 for squash memberships.

o Marc reported that a total of £20,113.65 has ben transferred to the Club for the financial year ending December 2022.

o Court bookings are again picking up towards the end of the year.

o Squash bank account healthy.

4.4 - Handicap Auction Outcome 2022

• Cup Winner – Dom Warby

• Cup Runner up – Jack Teasdale

• Plate Winner – Marc Shipley

• Plate Runner up – Kevin Forster

• Prize money given to Auction bidders was distributed on a percentage of the total bids and will be used in future competitions.

o Cup Winner bidder - £378

o Cup Runner up bidder - £189

o Semi-finalists bidders - £87 each

o Plate Winner bidder - £162

o Plate Runner up bidder- £81

o Semi-finalists bidders - £38 each

4.5 - Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Shower floor completed in Men’s Changing room.

o Deep cleaning of the changing room then carried out by Kevin.

• Ladies changing room refurbishment will go ahead now that the leaking shower from the Men’s changing room has been fixed.

• Cleaning – as the current services are still not of the required standard another service provider must be found as soon as possible.

o ACTION Marc – to seek quote from CleanIT UK giving them the same specification provided to South Tyneside Council.

4.6 - 50th Anniversary

• The Committee had a lengthy discussion about the milestone anniversary that occurs in June 2023.

• It was agreed an outdoor event that could be attended by all our members and their families (using the Function Room as backup in the event of bad weather) would be the best option.

o Suggested dates in June (10th or 17th) need to be confirmed once the Cricket Fixture list is known.

o The most favoured event would be a BBQ, Band, and possibly a Bouncy Castle (for children).

• A suggestion of commemorative Polo shirts for sale was also agreed.

ACTION – Mark F to look into Marquee hire/fees.

ACTION – Mandy to check availability of The Racket.

ACTION – Anita to look into Bouncy Castle hire/fees.

ACTION – Kevin to price commemorative Polo shirts with current supplier.

4.7 - Club Executive Committee Feedback

• Marc reported the meeting held on 8th December, was attended only by him, Kevin, Mandy, and John Kilner.

• Club has bought a second hand pool table and currently setting up a team to join a local pool league.

• Club looking into fundraising events such as Bongo’s Bingo and Casino nights.

• Sponsors being sought and new billboards to be set up further along from the current Vertu Motors billboard.

• LWC are now the official beer supplier and it is hoped they may help with putting on beer festivals in the future.

• There is a possibility of setting up Junior Football team training on the bowling green at the rear of the Club.

• Club has asked Anthony Brown to look into setting up a membership App for all Cricket and Social Memberships.

5 - AOB

• Mark Flynn reported that Ben Craigs’s band Ska Struck are performing in the Function room on Saturday 11th February and Martin Cowey is currently organising tickets and posters.

• Mandy asked for the Committee’s agreement for payment to The Racket for their performance at the Christmas Party night on 16th December.

o Committee agreed, matter to be taken offline by Marc and Mandy.

o A complaint is to be raised with the Executive Committee about the lack of heating in the Function Room at said Party night.

• The Committee was deeply saddened by the news of the sudden death of Ros Hackney (former long-standing member of the squash club) on 30th December.

o ACTION – Mandy to issue email to members advising them of the sad news and of the funeral arrangements for Friday 20th January.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 13th February 2023 at 7.15pm

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