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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Tue 14 Mar 2023

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 13th February 2023

1 - Attendance

Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Anita Hammond, Ian Davies, Mick Barnes, Russell Hughes

2 - Apologies

Connor Snaith, Mark Flynn

3 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting

• Minutes of the Meeting 9th January 2023 agreed.

4 - Matters Arising/Action Points

4.1 - Action Point Update:

• 4.5 Clean It UK quote very expensive, need to pursue other quotes.

• 4.6 Marquee hire/fees – action ongoing

• 4.6 The Racket – to be confirmed once definite date set for 50th Anniversary event.

• 4.6 Bouncy castle hire/fees – action ongoing.

• 4.6 Commemorative polo shirts – Kevin confirmed price of £14 possibly £15 for sets of 5 shirts ordered.

• AOB Email sent to members regarding funeral arrangements for Ros Hackney.

o Mandy reported that £157 was raised in the club for Breast Cancer UK in Ros’s memory.

4.2 - Team Squash 2022/2023

• Marc reported on the teams performances as follows:

o Boldon 1 likely to be promoted to Division 1

o Boldon 2 top of their league in Division 3, to be promoted to Division 2

o Boldon 3 currently 6th in Division 3

o Boldon 4 top of their league in Division 5, to be promoted to Division 4

• Marc reported that Connor has raised a matter in writing to seek the Committee’s approval for changing the internal league points scoring from 15 to 11 for Division 1 players in line with Northumbria Premier and Division 1 leagues.

o Committee agreed, change to be made from April.

• Connor had also raised another matter relating to taking a team player from the Boldon 2 for Boldon 1 when both teams are playing on the same night.

o Kevin confirmed that the rules state that on those particular occasions any nominated player can be taken from any of the teams.

4.3 - Dashboard

• Marc did a walkthrough of the Dashboard reporting membership renewal is 169 to date plus one more expected tonight (13th February). He advised the Committee that £1,026.75 has been transferred to the Club Treasurer for court bookings and £441.75 for squash memberships.

4.4 - Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Following Marc’s notification to the Committee regarding the Boldon Squash sign for the glass corridor there was a lengthy discussion about background colours and whether the lions should be in the background or forefront and the following was agreed:

o the sign would be useful to promote the squash club

o the cost of £355 is reasonable

o the sign should be bigger

o 2 more prototypes to be submitted (1 green background, 1 white background)

o ACTION – Marc to obtain 2 further prototypes

• Marc and Kevin also raised a suggestion that signs for advertising squash, cricket and pool matches could be displayed in the bar to which the Committee agreed was a good idea to be taken forward.

o ACTION – Marc to raise this proposal at the Club Executive meeting.

• Ladies changing room refurbishment to be scheduled at the end of the current season (April onwards).

• Cleaning – as outlined in the Action Points the Clean It UK quote was prohibitive.

o ACTION Marc – to seek further quotes from other cleaning companies.

4.5 - 50th Anniversary

• As per the Action Point Updates ideas are being progressed.

• The date is confirmed as Saturday 17th June (although the cricket team is also playing at home that date).

• Catering to be discussed nearer the date.

4.6 - Club Executive Committee Feedback

• Little to report from meeting on 9th January 2023.

• 1 new Social Member.

• The new main doors are expected to be fitted week commencing 9th January 2023.

5 - AOB

• Ian Davies expressed his thanks to Mark Flynn and Martin Cowey for organising Ben Craigs’s band Ska Struck to play in the Function room on Saturday 11th February. This had been well attended and was a good fundraising event for the Club Bar.

• Anita raised the issue of lights being left on in the corridor when there is no-one in the club, which she feels is a waste of electricity.

o ACTION – Kevin to report on the price of/use of motion sensors.

• Kevin reported the sudden death of a long-standing former member, Dave Cook, whose funeral is taking place at South Shields Crematorium on Wednesday 15th February at 2pm.

• Marc and Kevin raised the matter of a potential safeguarding incident, raised by two male players who entered the Men’s Changing room to get showered, but were uncomfortable to find a female minor present.

o ACTION – Mandy to progress this matter as Safeguarding Officer for the Squash section.

• Anita asked for the matter of (lack of) car parking to be raised again with the Club Executive.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 13th March 2023 at 7.15pm

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