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Marc Shipley

Boldon Cricket and Squash Club Executive Meeting

Marc Shipley - Sat 15 Jun 2024

Minutes of the Boldon Cricket and Squash Club Executive Committee Meeting held on 13th May 2024


Tom Potter, Kevin Forster, Lynda Potter, John Kilner, Amanda Forster, Geoff Sargon, Chris Ellison arrived later.


Marc Shipley


  • Accepted as a true record.


  • To be covered in Agenda


  • Deposit Account - £20,200

  • Current Account - £26,091

  • More to come from card machine by end of week.

  • VAT rebate from net payment but still have big energy bills.

  • Club is OK finance wise. Last year’s accounts with KP Simpson.

  • AGM to be organised for July?

6 - BAR

  • There was nobody to clean today so done in house. AN wants to leave so need to speed up process of finding a new cleaner. Urgent. Committee to compile list of possibles, inc STC, before next meeting. Need job spec and cleaning list by 20 th May.

  • Tills – need 2 quotes for new tills, JK meeting tomorrow with rep. who deals with Travelling Man for 3rd quote. KF getting quotes on 30th May.

  • Shelving collapsed in old kitchen. Speakers – smash up and get rid. Ask CE and GE if they will mend old kitchen floor and fix plumbing for new glasswasher.

  • The quote to repair exterior brickwork was excessive so looking to get another quote.

  • Wedding – SE liaising with Ian Temple. Club needs to supply drink and staff. Need to buy some new glasses.


  • Disrupted and disappointing start to the season.

  • There are lots of junior members and there have been some good junior results.

  • Council will give planning decision on new nets on 25/5.


  • 4th team won play off match 3-2 so avoided relegation.

  • Summer leagues to start soon with 1 team.

  • 25/5 is the Summer Cup from 1-3pm with 15 players from 2 clubs.

  • Annual club championship was won by Connor Snaith.

  • Ceiling replaced and new lighting outside courts 3 and 4.

  • Hoping to get another TV monitor for court 2.


  • 136 in total, 42 cricket, 43 social, 63 juniors. Some cricketers are also social members.

10 - AOB

  • Lighting down the drive – need between 3 -5 posts. Suggest solar, old fashioned style if possible. Cost between £70 - £700 depending on size/style.

  • BT bill more than usual but will get a refund of £300 + VAT in June.

  • Boxing on TV at weekend, need to book in advance.

  • U9 cricketers have cleared and tidied up grassed area on bowling green to use for football training while their facilities are out of use. Agreed to try to get some parents to join as social members.

Meeting closed at 9.03pm.

Date of next meeting Monday 10th June at 8pm.

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