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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Meeting

Marc Shipley - Sat 15 Jun 2024

Minutes of the Squash Executive Meeting held on 13th May 2024


Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Mick Barnes, Anita Hammond


Marc Shipley, Ian Davies, Connor Snaith, Mark Flynn, Russell Hughes


  • Minutes of the Meeting 9th April 2024 agreed.


4.1 Action Point Update

  • 4.2 (9/4/24) Marc – carried forward (Matter of Standing Orders for renewals/new memberships).

  • 4.3 (9/4/24) Kevin – completed. Not going ahead with re-pointing due to prohibitive costs.

  • 4.3 (9/4/24) Ian – completed. Cleaning materials stored in cupboard in Men’s shower area for anyone to use as and when necessary.

  • 5 (9/4/24) Marc – completed. New ceilings fitted by Fulwell Ceilings in corridor behind courts 3 & 4. Club has paid half the cost plus the VAT. LED Lighting fitted by Kevin.

  • 5 (9/4/24) Mark – carried forward. (Defibrillator training enquiry through his employer).

  • 5 (9/4/24) Mandy – completed. Hannah Forster willing to lead defibrillator training session (but no date confirmed).

  • 5 (9/4/24) Kevin – completed. Loose gas pipe in main squash corridor fixed.

4.2 - Dashboard

  • Marc to issue Dashboard on his return.

  • Mandy reported that £1,698.75 has been transferred to the Treasurer for court bookings and £134.90 for new memberships on 5th May.

o Total to Club £6,900.65 for period Jan-May 2024

o Membership 186

o Squash account remains healthy

4.3 - Primrose v Boldon Inaugural Summer Cup

  • Kevin explained that Eric Alderson and John Gallagher proposed this event to be held annually on the FA Cup Match Final Day. Scheduled for 12.15pm start on Saturday 25th May. Matches will be held at Boldon using all 4 courts; best of 5 but playing to 11 points, sudden death at 10-10. Normal match fees will be charged. Paul Craigs is to do the catering for the teams.

4.4 - Squash News

  • Kevin reported that the 4th Team won the play-off against Newbiggin to remain in Division 4.

  • Kevin reported there were 19 entries for the 2024 Club Championship and this year’s winners are:

o Cup winner - Connor Snaith

o Runner-up - Ben Sims.

o Plate Winner – Ian Mapstone

o Runner-up – Kevin Forster

o Over 65’s winner – Marc Shipley

o Over 65 runner-up – Tommy Elves

4.5 - Squash club maintenance/improvement

  • Mandy advised there have been no new member suggestions.

  • Cleaning is described as average, needs improvement.

  • Kevin advised the Committee he had discussed with Marc the possibility of having the squash club rewired for a number of issues as outlined; o Sockets are currently running off lighting cable, not socket cable. o Numerous wires probably defunct and need removing. o New consumer box required. • All work would need to be undertaken by a qualified electrician. • The Committee discussed the matter and agreed this should be done and quotes should be sought.

4.6 - Club Executive Committee Feedback

  • Club Current Account £18k and Reserve Account £20k.

  • Bar sales picking up.

  • VAT bill due.

  • Energy costs still high but expected to reduce soon.

  • Living wage and beer prices up, purely to cover costs.

  • Pool section continues to do well. Second hand electronic scoreboard bought and repaired by Anthony Brown.

  • Function room hire doing well.

  • Cricket subs coming in this month.

  • Looking at putting together job descriptions and cleaning schedules for bar staff and cleaner.

  • Looking into new tills and card reader.

  • Member suggestion about lighting from the main entrance to the club premises agreed and being progressed.

  • Kitchen tidy-up required and new cooker to be purchased and installed.

  • Function room and ladies toilets to be repainted.

5 - AOB

  • Mick asked about news of the proposed cricket nets. Kevin advised him that the planning application for permanent standing has been submitted to South Tyneside Council.

  • Kevin asked the Committee if they agreed to fund a new TV monitor and tablet for Court 2, costs approximately £160 and £80 respectively. Committee agreed. ACTION Kevin – to progress.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 10th June 2024 7.15pm

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