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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Meeting

Marc Shipley - Thu 11 Jul 2024

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 10th June 2024


Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Mick Barnes, Ian Davies, Russell Hughes


Connor Snaith, Mark Flynn, Anita Hammond


  • Minutes of the Meeting 13th May 2024 agreed.


4.1 - Action Point Update

  • 4.2 (9/4/24) Marc – no further action on Standing Orders owing to too much additional admin work required on Wazygoose.

  • 5 (9/4/24) Mark – no further action. (Defibrillator training through Vertu not feasible).

  • 5 (13/5/24) Kevin – New TV monitor & tablet purchased for court 2. Monitor now installed.

4.2 - Dashboard

  • Marc reported that £1,496.25 has been transferred to the Treasurer for court bookings and £58.90 for new memberships on 9th June. Total to Club £8,455.80 for period Jan-June 2024

  • Membership 189

  • Squash account remains healthy

4.3 - Squash News

  • Summer League team won their first match that took place on 3rd June.

  • Primrose v Boldon Inaugural Summer Cup 25th May: Result – Boldon 7 Primrose 8. Played in good spirit and well attended by supporters. Grateful thanks to Paul Craigs and son Vlad who catered for the teams.

4.4 - Squash club maintenance/improvement

  • Kevin advised the Committee that the quote from Atkinson’s for the repointing is too costly. However, a second quote received from Digon is reasonable – this is £3,400 & £4,800 for the two outside squash walls with a discount if both jobs are done together. Marc proposed putting this quote forward to the Club Executive for approval to which the Committee agreed.

  • Kevin and Tracey have installed the two set of seating behind courts 1 and 2 for which the Committee thanked them both for their time and effort.

  • Marc and Kevin advised the Committee they have been approached by a semi-professional squash player who is looking to run regular graded tournaments across the Northern clubs and would like Boldon to consider hosting as we have 4 courts. Marc reported that he is attending one of these events on 27th July at Northern to observe how it is run and whether it would be of benefit to us (particularly with regard to the financial implications) and who actually enters these competitions. To be discussed further at a future meeting.

  • Mandy advised there have been no new member suggestions.

  • Cleaning is described as average, needs improvement.

4.5 - Club Executive Committee Feedback

  • Club Current Account £26k and Reserve Account £20k. Further £3-4k expected by end of week.

  • £2,400 tax rebate received.

  • 2023 accounts still with KP Simpson. Once received the AGM will be organised, possibly July.

  • Energy costs still high but expected to reduce soon.

  • Bar cleaning schedule required as quickly as possible.

  • A number of quotes have been received for new tills and card reader – need to consider at next meeting whether to rent or buy.

  • Skip being organised to do Club tidy-up.

  • Old kitchen needs work doing.

  • Boiler needs servicing.

  • Cooker specification needed.

  • Cricket reported rough start owing to the poor weather conditions.

  • Cricket membership currently standing at 42 plus 63 juniors. 136 members to date including social memberships.

  • Decision on outdoor nets planning application expected by 25th May.

  • Executive agreed to the purchase of 5 outdoor lights (Kevin to progress).

5 - AOB

  • Russell reported that he has read the Council has approved the Club’s cricket outdoor nets planning application.

  • Kevin advised the Committee that one of the junior players has recently entered 2 Bronze squash competitions.

  • Mandy suggested issuing another Squash newsletter.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 8th July 2024 7.15pm

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