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Marc Shipley

Boldon Cricket and Squash Club Executive Meeting

Marc Shipley - Thu 11 Jul 2024

Minutes of the Boldon Cricket and Squash Club Executive Committee Meeting held on 10th June 2024


Tom Potter; Kevin Forster; Lynda Potter; Amanda Forster; Geoff Sargon; Chris Ellison; Marc Shipley




Accepted as a true record.


To be covered in Agenda


  • Deposit Account - £20,276

  • Current Account - £28,535 plus another £6/7k after weekend.

  • JK is trialing a software accounts package, to run parallel with spreadsheet.

  • Club accounts still with KP Simpson, may be ready for next meeting.

  • We have 3 quotes for new tills: 1, Instay (as in Travel Man) at £135 per month for 2; 2, at £238 per month; 3, LWC contact (replaces chip and pin) at £182 per month. Number 1 is favourite as it can do stock control. Company also leases coffee machines.

6 - BAR

  • A new cleaner has started (or is about to).

  • Staff tasks have been written down behind the bar.

  • Opening times to be displayed behind the bar. Weekdays last orders 11.30 and weekends at 12.

  • Skip is half full so will keep for another week.


  • Junior teams are playing really well and the recent formation of a girls team will trigger grant funding. More girls/ladies are needed to further progress.

  • A mostly young A team (Sunday) are doing well.

  • Firsts have won 2 and seconds are doing ok so far.

  • Planning permission has been granted for the new nets and building could start in 2-4 weeks.


  • 189 members

  • £58.90 memberships collected in May, £1,490 court bookings. In 2024 - £678.34 memberships and £7,777.50 court bookings.

  • 25th May – inaugural cup challenge v Primrose, who won 8-7 on last point of the game. To become an annual event.

  • Competitions – Cai Younger to set up tournaments around the NE, 4 times a year. He is looking to use Boldon as a possible venue.

  • Junior players are now entering competitions.

  • Upgrade on Court 2 – TV and pad to project score.

  • Repointing work on Court 4 – ex member quote for £3,400 for 1 wall, £4,800 for another wall = £8,200 + VAT. Need 2 more quotes.

  • Summer League – won last week.

  • Flip down seats installed behind courts 1 and 2.


There is a steady trickle of new memberships, figures available for next meeting.

10 - AOB

  • Pool teams are playing well. The table was bought second hand and has taken £3,600 in its first year. Lots of clubs just rent a table. Looking to renew the table at a cost of £1,700 but a buyer will pay £500 for the old one. LP proposed getting a cover for the new table.

  • Lights down drive.... Electric v solar. Electric is favourite, looking to install in September.

  • Fire alarms – Dunelm is new provider in squash area. Need to come up with an action plan to deal with alarm calls by next meeting.

  • BT - £273 credit.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm.

Date of next meeting Monday 8th July at 8pm.

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