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Marc Shipley

Boldon Cricket and Squash Executive Meeting

Marc Shipley - Thu 08 Aug 2024

Minutes of the Boldon Cricket and Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 15th July 2024


Tom Potter, Kevin Forster, Lynda Potter, John Kilner, Amanda Forster, Geoff Sargon, Chris Ellison, Marc Shipley.




Accepted as a true record


To be covered in Agenda


Treasurer... DA... £30,276 CA... £33,335 £10,000 moved from CA to DA. Half year comparison to last year sees sales/income up by £18,000 to end of June. Bar sales cover most of it plus increased cost of squash lights. Bingo on Sunday has increased bar sales from£3/400 to £1/1,500. Gas/elec still high at £12,400 for 6 months. Wage rises since start of April have increased wage bill by £4k from last year. Squash lights are £9,400 from same period last year. Big VAT bill coming, £6k, in line with sales. Memberships since 1st April £849.30 Squash £2,300 Cricket £400 social.

6 - BAR

Staffing issues are OK for now but Fri! /Sat nights still a problem. Cleaning if going well. Wedding... Arrangements are progressing but still need to organise site security. Agreed to follow up on 2 suggestions. New tills are ordered and paid for. They are touch button and should be easier for staff to use, they will be linked to card machines on the bar. They can also help with stock control. JK will try to link it straight to accounts. New pool table has been ordered. A cleaner is needed for Sunday mornings. After old kitchen floor is renewed, boiler fixed and repoining done, a new jobs/maintenance list is needed. We need to look at ways of solving the rubbish problem, particularly at the front of the club. New bins, signs, rubbish grabbers are all possible. As a club we need to investigate a new refuse company as council waste removal costs are high. Discussion on car parking as a busy few weeks ahead but agreed to wait until new nets are finished and see how much space is left between nets and car park. Try to cut down bushes by bowling green to create more space.


Games have been decimated by the weather for most teams. Building of new nets to start July 18th for 2 weeks. A new club website is to be built by a social member.


£171 for June members making 196. Summer League – P5 W3. English Squash affiliation - now changing so members renew their own membership and club only plays for 4 courts, costing from £55 to £75 each per year. Repointing work ( evidence of water ingress at the top) for courts 3 and 4 – quote for £8,200 + VAT for 2 walls. Suggestion to repoint top 2 metres and bottom corners costing £4,696. Agreed to book it in. October too late for decent weather so JK suggested end of cricket season. Squash committee trying to organise squash friendly v Westoe on 14th September (15 a side). Seaburn gas are servicing the boilers, still a leak somewhere (possibly in old kitchen) so need topping up twice a day. Agreed to fix old kitchen floor and fix the leak. New signs to be bought and put up to try and prevent cricket balls thumping off squash court walls. Storage needed for scaffolding and squash cleaning materials. Discussion followed.


No new members.

10 - AOB

  • Security/ alarm calls – agreed to ask Dunelm if they can cover this.

Meeting closed at 9.25pm.

Date of next meeting Monday 4th August at 8pm.

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