Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Mick Barnes
Connor Snaith, Mark Flynn, Ian Davies, Anita Hammond, Russell Hughes
- Minutes of the Meeting 10th June 2024 agreed.
4.1 - Action Point Update:
- No action points to update.
4.2 - Dashboard
Marc reported that he has tweaked the Dashboard to reflect court bookings for the year to date.
£1,627.50 has been transferred to the Treasurer for court bookings and £171 for new memberships. Total to Club £9,405 for period Jan-July 2024.
Membership 196
Squash account remains healthy
4.3 - Squash News
- Another Squash Newsletter has been issued by Mandy. This informed members of improvements done in the squash club between February and July and to advise of other pertinent squash news. Marc expressed his thanks, particularly as this information feeds into the Squash AGM Report.
4.4 - Squash club maintenance/improvement
Marc reported that he is to seek permission from the Executive Committee to go ahead with the repointing of the exterior walls of the squash club, as a reasonable quote has been received from Digon.
Mandy reported that favourable comments have been received about the seating behind courts 1 and 2.
Marc thanked Kevin for mending the Fire Door by Court 3 (upstairs corridor, door closer).
Cleaning is adequate but still needs improvement – the Committee discussed the possibility of approaching another cleaning business to obtain a quote for cleaning services.
Kevin reported that he has approached an electrician he has used before, to look at Court 4 fan; socket wire; and replacement of the consumer unit.
4.5 - Club Executive Committee Feedback
Club Current Account £28k and Reserve Account £20k.
2023 accounts still with KP Simpson. Once received the AGM will be organised, possibly September.
Executive has agreed to go ahead with the upgrade of the tills, using the same supplier and system as that in the Travelling Man.
Bar staff Job descriptions being drafted.
Club tidy-up commenced as skip now hired.
Cricket now well underway. Looking at putting together a Girls Team.
New nets to be installed shortly.
New pool table to be bought.
New lights for installation along driveway to be purchased.
5 - AOB
Kevin reported that he has made an approach to Dave Elsender, proposing that Westoe Squash Premier League players and other players play against Boldon 1 and other players, similar to the recent competition held between Primrose and Boldon. Proposed date is Saturday 14th September. Paul Craigs to be approached for the catering once confirmation received from Dave that Westoe available to play.
Marc advised the Committee that the England Squash (ES) revised membership is being implemented on the 19th August 2024 and individuals will be responsible for renewing directly with ES. He asked the Committee members to speak to as many members as they can, particularly Team Players, to advise them of the changes. ACTION Marc – to advise all members via Wazygoose and display posters prominently around the club.
Marc advised the Committee that the new Team shirt colour and logos have been agreed and will be ready for the new season. AC Graphics has discounted the price of the shirts and printing costs in lieu of having their logo on the team shirt. However, this does not affect the sponsor of the Teams, which is still CD Tiling.
Mandy asked about membership fees for 2024/2025 as the window to renew on the 1st August is prior to the next scheduled meeting. The Committee agreed fees should remain as they are currently, and the discount to £65 will apply if renewal is made from 1st-31st August 2024. Full fee of £75 payable from 1st September. ACTION Marc – to ask Wayne (Wazygoose Administrator) to put the membership categories and associated fees on Wazygoose ready for 1st August. ACTION Marc – to advise members accordingly via Wazygoose.
Date of Next Meeting – Monday 5th August 2024 7.15pm