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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Fri 10 Sep 2021

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 8th Sep 2021

1 Attendance Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Mick Barnes, Neil Woodward, Connor Snaith

2 Apologies Tracey Coats, Ian Davies, Kevin Forster, Mark Flynn

3 Team Selection and Captaincy Appointments

3.1. Meeting of the Committee convened to discuss the proposed team selection; the appointment of captains; plus the reserve players for each of the three teams entered into the Northumbria Leagues 2021/22 season.

3.2 It was agreed that the selected order of play may be altered at the decision of each team captain, however only within their team, with the possibility of play-offs which must be played prior to the first match on 21st September.

3.3 There will be a re-appraisal of the team selection at the end of the first half of the season.

3.4 Marc will write to the team captains informing them of the Committee decision.

3.5 The Committee decision is as follows, and will be posted on the Notice Board, subject to change as per 3.2 above:

Boldon 1 Connor Snaith (captain); Simon Steele; Charlie Scollen; Jack Teasdale; Colin Woods

Boldon 2 Ian Mapstone; Stuart Finlay; Peter Jameson; Russell Hughes (captain); Martin Cowey; Colin Dumble

Boldon 3 Dave McKenry; Marc Shipley (captain); Dave Leonard; Daniel Douthwaite; Dean Barnes; Barry Turnbull

Reserves Kevin Forster; Tony Hudson; Dave Ramsey; Steve Barron; Matt Sadler; Peter Crane

The date of the next Squash Committee Meeting is Monday 13th September at 7pm.

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