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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Tue 15 Feb 2022

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 13th December 2021
  1. Attendance: Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Mark Flynn, Russell Hughes, Anita Hammond

  2. Apologies: Mick Barnes, Ian Davies, Connor Snaith, Neil Woodward

  3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting 8th November 2021 agreed.

  1. Matters Arising

4.1 Northumbria Squash Winter Leagues

• 1st Team have one game left to play this half.

• 3rd Team currently first in the Division.

• 2nd Team currently second in the Division.

• Connor has received an email enquiry regarding the team selection for the second half of the season.

ACTION Marc to arrange meeting with Team Captains and Kevin prior to first match of the new season to confirm teams.

4.2 Dashboard

• Walkthrough by Marc of monies received and contributed to the Club.

o Squash bank account currently healthy.

o The £500 Marstons grant for the Squash section has been received.

o Part of the ‘Bounce Back’ money had been used to purchase cheese and wine for the Handicap Auction morning.

4.3 Enhancement of Wazygoose Boldon Squash Website

• Marc confirmed website updated.

• Awaiting final pen picture from Russell.

ACTION Russell

4.4 Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Water fountain - Installed behind Court 2 but has had a few teething problems, therefore company to be contacted.


• Advertising - Marc reported that Beggars Bridge do TV screen advertising in the bar and the Committee agreed it would be a good idea to advertise ‘Try It’ sessions particularly during the busy period in December and into Jan-Feb when people may be thinking of getting fit.

ACTION Marc and Kevin to progress suitable advert

• Mark explained the paperwork for the advertising sponsorship is expected in Jan 2022


• Cameras/TV - Kevin reported that he had received an approximate estimation from Dean Barnes but no firm specification in relation to the proposed idea to install a TV screen in the squash area (potentially behind court 3) which would allow more people to view team matches/competitions when the balcony is busy, and may even be linked to a TV in the Club bar.

• He explained that he had therefore contacted the person who installed the security system in the Diving Centre – A.G.Security.

• Tracey reported she had received the specification and outlined it to the Committee.

• The Committee agreed to the expenditure as part of the ongoing improvement of the Squash club.

ACTION Tracey to progress installation.

• Cleaning – Improvement following complaint logged with ST Council, however the situation is to be monitored.

ACTION Kevin and Tracey to report any issues to Marc

4.5 Club Handicap Competition

• Very positive feedback received and Marc thanked all the Committee members who were involved in organising this popular event.

o This year’s Cup winner is Connor Snaith, runner-up David McKenry.

o Plate winner is Mark Flynn, runner-up Barry Turnbull.

o Marc announced the prize money to be paid to the successful bidders of the winners and runners-up which will be posted on the Notice Board:-

? 1st Prize £250 to Tommy Elves (Connor Snaith)

? 2nd Prize £125 to Peter Crane (David McKenry)

? 3rd Prize £100 to Mrs Flynn (Mark Flynn)

? 4th Prize £50 to Marc Shipley (Barry Turnbull)

ACTION Marc – to ensure cash payments distributed

ACTION Kevin – to update Notice Board

o Kevin explained the difficulties in organising the annual Handicap Competition particularly the impact of Team Games and asked if it would be possible to have these moved outside of the Competition dates. In addition, he asked if everyone would canvass opinion about when is best to set the Finals Date and what may draw in more participation such as entertainment/buffet etc.

ACTION Kevin to identify potential dates for the 2022 Handicap Competition

ACTION Marc to speak to the League Secretary

ACTION ALL to canvass opinion from members

4.6 Club Executive Committee Feedback

• Marc explained the Storm Arwen damage to the fences is potentially covered by the Club Insurance and is being looked into.

o Unfortunately the BT Internet cable that runs along the fence to the Club had been severed and a proposal has been made to put the cable in a trench to ensure no further loss of service.

• Marc reported on the current Club Finances and also explained that enquiries are being made with Barclays Bank and HMRC as the Club Treasurer is currently personally liable for any Club debts.

• The Club requires Electrical Certification and Kevin is progressing this with a qualified electrician.

o Next Executive Meeting will be held on 10 January 2022.

  1. AOB • Anita raised the matter of a slight leak in the Ladies Changing Room toilet.


• Tracey asked if the Committee would agree to the expenditure of £130 for a further security camera in the upstairs corridor leading to the Men’s Changing Room. After a brief discussion the Committee agreed to fund this.


• Russell proposed further advertising via posters and flyers at the Community Library of the Squash club and Club facilities/functions.


• Kevin reminded the Committee of the forthcoming 3 Racket Challenge, open to everyone, to be held on Sunday 2nd January at 1pm, entry cost £3.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 10th January 2022 at 7pm.

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