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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Mon 21 Feb 2022

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 10th January 2022

1. Attendance

Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Russell Hughes, Anita Hammond, Neil Woodward

2. Apologies

Mick Barnes, Ian Davies, Connor Snaith, Mark Flynn

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting 13th December 2021 agreed.

4. Matters Arising/Action Points

• 4.1 Marc - Teams confirmed, now on LeagueMaster.

• 4.3 Russell – Pen Picture progressing.

• 4.4 Marc – New part installed in water fountain, now working satisfactorily.

• 4.4 Marc & Kevin – Advert within Beggars Bridge up and running, Neil confirmed he has seen it.

• 4.4 Mark – Advertising/Sponsorship progressing with Vertu Motors.

• 4.4 Tracey – Cameras/TV – installation done. Marc advised the Committee he is to ask the Executive to meet half the cost of a 4K TV for installation in the Bar that will enable better resolution on court 3 monitor.

• 4.4 Kevin & Tracey – Reported cleaning inconsistent and therefore continues to be monitored.

• 4.5 Marc – Confirmed prize money has been distributed and the Notice Board updated. It was agreed the 2022 Handicap will be discussed in detail around July, canvassing of opinions regarding Finals Night arrangements ongoing.

• 5 Kevin – Ladies Changing room toilet leak resolved.

• 5 Tracey – Extra camera installed in corridor leading to Men’s Changing room.

• 5 Marc – Flyers displayed in Fulwell Community Library, to be taken to Boldon Community Library too.

4.2 Northumbria Squash Winter Leagues

• 1st Team playing tonight, 10th January.

• 2nd Team playing 11th January.

• 3rd Team playing 12th January.

4.3 Dashboard

• Marc confirmed the Dashboard will be sent later today but confirmed £858 sent to Club Treasurer this month, the Year End contribution to the Club is £8058.

o Squash bank account healthy.

o 155 members to date.

4.4 Enhancement of Wazygoose Boldon Squash Website

Nothing to report.

4.5 Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Kevin reported that he had installed a new front door lock as the latch had been broken.

• 3 Racket Challenge – 9 people attended and enjoyed the annual event on Sunday 2nd January. The overall winner was Martin Cowey who received a winners cup and the runner-up was Marc Shipley who received a chocolate orange.

• Sunday Social took place on 9th January, 12 people attended of which one may become a new member.

• A Team Training Session organised by Kevin took place on 3rd January and was deemed successful by all who attended.

• Kevin informed the Committee that during the Christmas and New Year period he had supervised 8 sessions of court usage by non-members on courts 1 and 2 resulting in £80 income for the Squash club. The only stipulation for those using the courts was that they changed into clean trainers prior to play in order to protect the court floors.

4.7 Club Executive Committee Feedback

No feedback as the Executive meeting takes place tonight, 10th January.

5. AOB

Kevin and Tracey reported to the Committee that they have signed up to ‘Squash Stars’ with England Squash for Juniors of 5-11 years to try squash for a period of 6 weeks in the lead up to the Commonwealth Games. This is being promoted by England Squash as squash features in the 2022 Games. No further details to report at the moment.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 14th February 2022 at 7pm

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