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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Wed 06 Apr 2022

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 14th March 2022
  1. Attendance - Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Russell Hughes, Mark Flynn, Anita Hammond
  2. Apologies - Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Ian Davies, Mick Barnes, Neil Woodward, Connor Snaith
  3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  • Minutes of the Meeting 14th February 2022 agreed.
  1. Matters Arising/Action Points

4.1 Action Point Update:

  • 4 Marc – To investigate further the expansion of our website to show how active the squash section and the overall Club is.
  • 5 Marc – Issue relating to blood on court and squash player conduct to be addressed directly by Marc as Chairperson.
  • 5 Kevin – To seek Executive Committee approval to purchase replacement Fire Doors.
  • 5 Kevin/Tracey/Mandy – No progress to report on Ladies Changing Room improvements.

4.2 Northumbria Squash Winter Leagues

  • 1st Team currently 5th in Division 2 with 3 games in hand.
  • 2nd Team have won Division 4, play last match 15th March.
  • 3rd Team currently 3rd in Division 4 with 2 games to play.

4.3 Dashboard

  • Marc did a walkthrough of the Dashboard and advised the Committee that £171 in Memberships has been transferred to the Club Treasurer plus £909.75 in court bookings.

  • Marc explained that £600 of April’s funds is to be deducted because the annual Wazygoose invoice has now been paid.

  • Squash bank account healthy.

  • Membership has increased to 160.

4.4 Enhancement of Wazygoose Boldon Squash Website

  • Website being updated with photos sent by Marc.
  • Marc suggested to the Committee that we should all look at Northern’s photograph gallery that portray how active their club is, and consider enhancing our website in a similar way.
  • Committee agreed and Marc will investigate further and report back.

4.5 Squash club maintenance/improvement

  • Mark explained to the Committee that the design work for the Vertu Motors advertising is in progress.
  • In Kevin and Tracey’s absence Mandy reported that the cleaning is still being monitored although no major issues have been identified this month.

4.6 Club Executive Committee Feedback

  • Marc explained that there is nothing to report as the Executive Meeting takes place tonight following the Squash Meeting.
  1. AOB
  • None.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 4th April 2022 at 7.15pm

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