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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Sun 22 May 2022

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 4th April 2022

1. Attendance

Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Anita Hammond, Mick Barnes, Neil Woodward

2. Apologies

Ian Davies, Russell Hughes, Mark Flynn, Connor Snaith

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

• Minutes of the Meeting 14th March 2022 agreed.

4. Matters Arising/Action Points

4.1 Action Point Update

• 4.4 Marc – Wayne has set up Flickr photo account on Wazygoose Boldon site, Kevin to upload photos.

• 5 Marc – Blood on court matter – In response to query from Neil, Marc confirmed he did receive a response that he will share with the Committee, but no further correspondence is to be issued.

• 5 Kevin – New Fire Doors purchased. Committee expressed their gratitude for the voluntary work undertaken by Kevin and Tracey’s husband Bill Coats to remove existing doors and fit new ones.

• 5 Kevin/Tracey/Mandy – No progress to report on Ladies Changing Room improvements.

4.2 Northumbria Squash Winter Leagues

• 1st Team finished 3rd in Division 2, last match of the season was a good win at 5-0.

• 2nd Team won Division 4 resulting in promotion to Division 3 next season.

• 3rd Team are Division 4 runners-up, also resulting in promotion to Division 3 next season.

4.3 Dashboard

• Marc did a walkthrough of the Dashboard and advised the Committee that of £965.25 in court bookings £600 has been deducted for the annual Wazygoose fee therefore £395.25 has been transferred to the Club Treasurer.

o Squash bank account healthy.

o Membership maintained at 160.

4.4 Enhancement of Wazygoose Boldon Squash Website

• Flickr photo gallery in place. Further social/squash photos to be uploaded as future events take place.

• ACTION Kevin – update Twitter account to direct people to the Wazygoose Boldon website.

4.5 Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Mark has written to the Committee confirming the advertising design is now complete.

• Marc confirmed that the Executive Committee has agreed to some tree pruning at the front of the Club premises in order to site the advertising boards.

o ACTION Mandy - to advise Mark and Ian to go ahead with the proviso that they discuss and agree the necessary pruning with Vertu Motors advertising people.

• Kevin and Tracey reported that the cleaning is inadequate, particularly the Men’s Changing Room.

o ACTION Marc - to write to the Cleaning Supervisor at South Tyneside Council.

4.6 Club Executive Committee Feedback

• Marc reported from last Executive Meeting held on 14th March:

o Club Current Account £7660.79

o Club Deposit Account £13919.37

o 2021 Accounts to be submitted to K P Simpson Accountants for auditing prior to AGM

• No date confirmed for Club AGM

• Marstons has increased prices which will be implemented in the Bar from 28th March

• Bar staff appeal – feedback expected from Executive Meeting 4th April (following Squash Committee meeting)

• Fence replacement is underway

5. AOB

• Neil queried whether the reduction in the weekend court fee – which he objected to – is worth it as there has been no upturn in the amount of bookings.

o Committee agreed to continue with the ‘trial’ period.

• Mandy reported that both Kevin and Tracey have achieved Squash Leadership Certification, which is additional to their current Level 2 Coaching Certification.

• Anita raised the idea of further Squash Social/Family Get-togethers to be considered by the Committee.

o To be discussed further at future meetings.

• AGM – date to be confirmed.

o Mandy to draft AGM Report.

• Kevin asked the Committee to consider and agree a suitable date for the Club Championship Finals.

o Committee agreed Wednesday 25th May starting 6pm but this is dependent on school holiday dates.

• Kevin explained the current Squash club Safeguarding Policies need to be updated.

o ACTION Kevin and Mandy - to research and update the Committee as to what needs to be implemented.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.15pm

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