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Marc Shipley

Squash Executive Committee

Marc Shipley - Fri 24 Jun 2022

Minutes of the Squash Executive Committee Meeting held on 9th May 2022

1. Attendance

Marc Shipley, Mandy Forster, Kevin Forster, Tracey Coats, Anita Hammond, Mick Barnes, Neil Woodward, Connor Snaith

2. Apologies

Ian Davies, Russell Hughes, Mark Flynn

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

• Minutes of the Meeting 4th April 2022 agreed.

4. Matters Arising/Action Points

4.1 Action Point Update

• 4.4 Kevin – Update Twitter to direct people to Boldon Squash website.

• 4.5 Mandy – To advise Mark and Ian to go ahead with tree pruning for siting of advertising hoarding as sanctioned by Executive Committee.

• 5 Mandy – Draft Squash AGM report, meeting in June to be confirmed.

• 5 Kevin & Mandy – Updating Safeguarding Policies – ongoing.

• 5 Kevin/Tracey/Mandy – No progress to report on Ladies Changing Room improvements.

4.2 Northumbria Squash Winter Leagues

• Now finished. Presentation Night scheduled 14th May – Marc to attend to collect trophies, however invitation open for anyone to attend.

4.3 Dashboard

• Marc did a walkthrough of the Dashboard and advised the Committee that £768 has been transferred to the Club Treasurer. o Squash bank account healthy. o Membership maintained at 160.

4.4 Enhancement of Wazygoose Boldon Squash Website

• None

4.5 Squash club maintenance/improvement

• Committee agreed that once the advertising boards are in place the £450 per quarter sponsorship should be sought from Vertu Motors.

• Cleaning service is adequate at the moment but still being closely monitored.

4.6 Club Executive Committee Feedback

• Marc reported from last Executive Meeting held on 4th April:

o Club Current Account £4205.25

o Club Deposit Account £13919.37

• Increased Bar prices implemented; slight upturn in revenue but trade loss this quarter is £4k.

• Marc has passed on the BestWay wholesale brochure received from David McKendry to the Club Treasurer.

• Bar staff appeal – received 2 expressions of interest currently being progressed, possible 3rd expected.

• Ukraine fund-raiser being held 16th April, tickets £3 each.

5. AOB

• Marc reported that he had been approached about us purchasing a custom-made scoreboard, similar to those already in use in clubs such as Primrose, Northern, Newcastle Uni, Hexham and Ashbrooke, details of which had been circulated to the Committee for consideration.

o Committee agreed this would be an enhancement, depending on the price.

o ACTION - Marc to set up a design and seek a price for Committee approval.

• Neil once again raised a complaint about the parking. Unfortunately, apart from some continuing tidying-up it is a situation that has to be borne.

• Kevin expressed his gratitude and that of the Committee to Neil for painting the front door, and to Anita for her regular Wednesday cleaning of the court floors.

• Kevin informed the Committee that he is looking into battery operated vacuum cleaners for the court floors and will report back to the Committee once prices have been obtained.

o ACTION – Kevin to investigate prices for battery operated vacuums.

• Connor reported that the Summer Teams have now been confirmed.

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 13th June 2022 at 7.15pm

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