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Marc Shipley

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 Report

Marc Shipley - Sun 04 Sep 2022

Report on Squash Section activities and plans for the AGM 2022


Court Maintenance and Upgrades 2019 – 2022

  • New fan purchased and fitted to Court 3
  • Men’s Changing Room re-grouted by Colin Dumble
  • Lights fixed on Courts 1 and 3
  • Replacement lock fitted on Gent’s toilet door
  • Two electronic notepads purchased for electronic match scoring purposes
  • New wooden stands made for the new notepads
  • Damaged roof tile replaced on Court 2
  • Court floors sanded
  • Annual Court cleaning - walls cleaned or painted each alternative year; 2022 cleaned for new season 2022/23
  • Mirroring of squash scoring app to TVs on gallery for Courts 3 and 4
  • TV relay of Court 3 action to gallery and bar
  • New scoreboard for team match purposes displayed behind Court 3
  • Hire of water dispenser located behind Courts 1 and 2
  • Cordless vacuum cleaner and secure storage cabinet purchased
  • Energy efficient LED lighting replaced on all 4 squash courts
  • Hand dryer fitted in Ladies Changing Room funded by Christmas Raffle money.
  • New toilet seat fitted in Ladies Changing Room
  • Valve on faulty heating system replaced by Seaburn Gas Services (SGS); system annually checked by SGS
  • Squash section covered by CCTV for safety and security purposes
  • South Tyneside Council Cleaning Services contract engaged in April 2021
  • Wazygoose system updated to include: Squash Committee Minutes; Pen Pictures of Committee Members; Photo gallery; Installation of 2 new steel fire doors


  • Replace floor in Men’s Changing Room shower area
  • Refurbish Ladies Changing Room
  • Install LED lighting in squash corridors

Squash Section Information and Events

  • During Covid-19 lockdown the Committee met via Zoom a number of times to monitor the rules and regulations and members were notified of all closures and re-opening rules via Wazygoose email
  • All necessary Covid-19 Regulation Risk Assessments were carried out and displayed on the Notice Board
  • During Covid-19 lockdown the squash section was regularly checked for any necessary maintenance e.g. gas boilers; lights; security matters
  • The Committee elected Marc Shipley as Chairman following the resignation of Dave Leonard
  • The Committee unanimously agreed to abolish Couples Membership from 2020; agreed revised fees; and to implement a Covid-19 lockdown discount for existing members
  • Team Shirt Sponsorship is continuing into 2022/23 season with grateful thanks to Colin Dumble – CDTiling
  • New squash section sponsorship section secured from Vertu Motors courtesy of Mark Flynn after installation of new billboards at the front of the Club on Sunderland Road
  • Vertu Motors sponsored club t-shirts on sale, all proceeds to squash section.
  • Car park and borders tidied and replanted by Joe Priestley, being continuously maintained
  • Squash Stars launched for 6 weeks from 6th June 2022 aimed at ages 5-11. To be repeated from 12th September
  • Junior Squash Coaching continuing, Friday 7-8pm and Saturday 10-12.15. Groups arranged according to age and ability
  • Squash Girls Can continuing each Sunday 12.15-1.45pm throughout the year (except for school holiday break) – open to non-members as well as members
  • Sunday Social regular monthly event September – July, open to non-members as well as members
  • Free Try-It Sessions offered by in-house qualified England Squash Level 2 coaches (Kevin Forster and Tracey Coats) in order to attract new members
  • Summer Leagues now well established and popular amongst local clubs
  • 4 teams entered in the new 2022/23 Northumbria Winter Leagues
  • The Club continues to pay the Squash section’s annual England Squash Affiliation Fee for all registered team players which covers, amongst other attractive benefits, their public liability and personal injury insurance
  • Regular members groups continue to meet each Tuesday and Thursday evenings (TERPS and TESPS) to play squash and socialise in the Club Bar
  • In-house competitions such as Club Handicap and Club Championship and Plate still running and popular
  • Re-introduction of the Handicap Auction in 2021 - which saw the auction of players during a cheese and wine party one Sunday morning - proved to be very popular and the competition was well supported and a great success with Connor Snaith winning the Handicap Cup and Mark Flynn winning the Handicap Plate. It is the Committee’s intention to repeat the Auction in 2022
  • Continuing to support World Squash Day (held annually in honour of those squash players who died in the 9/11 tragedy). To be held 15th October 2022
  • Continuing to support Women’s Squash Week, held annually to encourage women and girls to take up squash and/or Squash57 (racketball). To be held 17- 24th September 2022
  • Annual Fun 3 Racket Challenge (Squash/Racketball/Badminton) held between Christmas and New Year


The number of court bookings in each calendar year were as follows

Year - Court 1; Court 2; Court 3; Court 4

2019 - 1098; 773; 2227; 1758

2020 - 479; 377; 833; 690

2021 - 563; 460; 1264; 926

2022 - 465; 390; 1263; 783

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic all courts were shut from April 2020 to June 2020 and from January 2021 to March 2021.

The following sums of money were transferred to the club account in respect of these bookings.

Calendar Year - Amount

2019 - £16,695.00

2020 - £7,618.50

2021 - £8,058.00

2022 - £6,162.75 (up to July)


The following table details the number of members registered with the squash section at the end of August in the years shown and the sums of money transferred to the club account in respect of memberships received in the calendar years 2019-22. Members who renewed in August 2021 were given a discounted rate due to the limited availability of the courts because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Year - Number - Amount

2019 - 171 - £10,951.50

2020 - 181 - £7,825.00

2021 - 157 - £3,504.20

2022 - 173 - £438.90


Northumbria Squash Winter Leagues.

Season 2018/19:

  • Boldon 1 played in Division 2 and finished 8th of 9. They won 6 and lost 10 and were relegated.
  • Boldon 2 played in Division 5 and finished 4th of 8. They won 8 and lost 6.
  • Boldon 3 played in Division 6 and finished 3rd of 8. They won 10 and lost 4 and were promoted.
  • Boldon 4 played in Division 7 and finished 5th of 7. They won 7 and lost 7.

Season 2019/20 (COVID-19 curtailed)

  • Boldon 1 played in Division 3 and finished 2nd of 8. They won 10 and lost 3.
  • Boldon 2 played in Division 4 and finished 7th of 9. They won 5 and lost 10.
  • Boldon 3 played in Division 5 and finished 4th of 10. They won 11 and lost 6.
  • Boldon 4 played in Division 6 and finished 3rd of 10. They won 11 and lost 5.

Season 2020/21 was not played due to COVID-19

Season 2021/22

  • Boldon 1 played in Division 2 and finished 3rd of 9. They won 11 and lost 6.
  • Boldon 2 played in Division 4 and finished 1st of 8. They won 11 and lost 3 and were promoted.
  • Boldon 3 played in Division 4 and finished 2nd of 8. They won 11 and lost 3 and were promoted.

Northumbria Squash Summer Leagues

  • 2019 - Boldon 1 played in Division 1 and finished 9th of 9. They won 1 and lost 7.
  • 2020 - League not played due to COVID-19
  • 2021 - League not played due to COVID-19
  • 2022 - Boldon Bandits played in Division 1 and finished 2nd of 12. They won 9 and lost 2 and qualified for the play-offs. Boldon Lions played in Division 1 and finished 8th of 12. They won 5 and lost 6.
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