Club History

Carlisle Squash Club was formed in December 1950 by a small number of locals who rented a three quarter court at Barn Close, Stanwix. Three of them Mr Alastair Mcfee, Mr Stuart Mcquillin and Mr Keith Popham were still involved until recently in the club as Trustees.

In February 1972 the Club moved to Carlisle Rugby Ground and built two Squash courts with the help of Carlisle Sports Council with the knowledge that the Club would be run to help the community and be a none profit making club, which it continues to be. Over the years the Club continued to grow and gradually built six more courts; unfortunately, in 2005 the floods hit Carlisle and the Squash Club was devastated. Two metres of water filled the club for weeks and completely destroyed the ground floor. The club, after numerous meetings and discussions, decided to rebuild by just refurbishing six of the courts and turned two of them into a state of the art gym facility.

The unthinkable happened again in December 2015 with new floods devastating Carlisle leaving thousands of people homeless and the squash club buried under three metres of water, a metre higher than last time. With the help of an enthusiastic and committed committee, along with great generosity from its members, Carlisle Squash Club rebuilt the facility and rose again to offer it's community some of the best squash and gym facilities in the north of England.

The club is run by a voluntary committee, voted in at an Annual; General Meeting, and retains the services of Ronnie Bell as club manager and a number of qualified part timers and volunteers assisting with both junior and adult squash coaching. This talented team of dedicated coaches and instructors all make sure everyone gets the most out of their ability.

The club has been awarded the England Squash Club Charter GOLD AWARD. This is the highest award that can be bestowed on any club.

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