Internal Leagues

Current League Session

You can see the current internal league session at:

Internal Squash League Tables

Northern Squash Internal League Game 01

The internal leagues are Northern Squash Club the backbone of the club, creating vibrant activity on and off-court. The league games are friendly but competitive and everyone who takes part does so in an enthusiastic and courteous manner.

For many years the leagues were managed by Andy Lee. Before emigrating to Lanzarote, Andy worked closely with Wayne Eastaugh to develop the Wazygoose League Management website to power the leagues. When Andy left for hotter climes, Wayne took over management of the leagues.

As well as all the results, tables, and performances being displayed online on the Wazygoose website, the leagues are also published and displayed on the computer at the club.

Who Plays In The Leagues?

There are over 100 players in the internal leagues, of varying levels of expertise - from beginners to regular Team Squash players - there is a place for everyone. There is a healthy mix of Men, Ladies and Juniors at all levels.

Most membership options allow members to participate in the leagues although there are some restrictions (Guardian and Daytime memberships).

For a full list of memberships including entitlement to participate in the leagues please refer to the Memberships information

How The Leagues Work

Northern Squash Internal League Game 02

The leagues are powered by the Wazygoose League Management website. They run all year round and although we have nominal Winter and Summer league sessions, players can join the league at any point (see joining leagues section below).

The league is a parallel, two-legged league with a single top division. The sessions are organised into sessions of 5 weeks and since each player is in a division of 5 players, this means each player has 5 weeks to organise and play 4 league games. Players accumulate points based on the results of their matches (see points matrix below) and each player's final position in their division is calculated based on their points total.

In many leagues, players get bored because they end up playing the same people month in month out. However, here at Northern Squash Club at the end of each session, 2 players are promoted in each division and 2 players are demoted. The result is a truly dynamic league with lots of movement meaning players get to play lots of opponents.

Games are played as best of 5 matches, or until the lights run out on court. Of course, if the players run out of time they can continue their game at their own discretion although their is no onus on either player to do so and playing on is by mutual agreement.

Awards and Recognition

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Every month the 5 players with the best results are recognised in the end of session newsletter. The main awards are recognised at the Club Annual Presentation Night which coincides with the end of the Winter League every year in May. Amongst the awards are:

  • Most Active Male Player
  • Most Active Female Player
  • Best Male Player Performance
  • Best Female Player Performance

You can find more details regarding the club annual presentation night in the Events section.

How To Join The Leagues

First, you must be an active club member. Please ensure your membership allows evening court bookings so you can participate in matches.

Then, email Wayne Eastaugh, the League Manager, to indicate your interest in joining. Let Wayne know your approximate playing level so he can place you in the right league box.

It's important we understand your ability so top players don't start at the bottom. If you know someone at the club of similar skills, mention that as a reference point. Or attend the Saturday 5pm club social night and play a game with organizer Dave North to assess your level.

Once Wayne has your contact details and playing ability, he will confirm your league placement. You'll be matched with players of comparable skills for fun, competitive play!

Don't worry if we don't get your league box right on the first try - we can easily move players up or down as needed.

We look forward to seeing you on court! Please reach out to Wayne with any other questions.


  1. Matches
    1. Matches are the best of 5 games.
    2. Each game is point a rally scoring to 15 (PAR 15). Players may play to 11 if both players agree.
    3. Games played to 15 are sudden death once one player reaches 14 points. (For games played to 11, if the score in a game is tied at 10-10, a player must win by 2 clear points).
    4. Each player is responsible for arranging their own matches.
  2. League Structure
    1. The league will be a two-legged, parallel league with one division at the top.
    2. Each division will consist of 5 players. Where the numbers of players in the league is not exactly divisible by 5, the extra players will be added to the bottom division, attempting to ensure that in each division there are no fewer than 5 players and not more than 6.
    3. League sessions will be played over 5 weeks. Consideration will be given to holidays (e.g. Christmas) and other events which may restrict the availability of courts.
    4. New members or members returning to the leagues will be added to the leagues at a position decided by the league secretary. This will mean league winners and runners up will occasionally not be promoted but the league secretary will attempt to minimise the impact of this. It may also result in new entrants joining lower than they may wish.
  3. Promotion and Demotion
    1. At the end of each session, players will be promoted and demoted (taking into account the removal of players and adding of new players).
    2. The bottom 2 players in the top division will be demoted, one to each of the divisions below.
    3. In the two divisions below the first division, the top player will be promoted to the first division; the bottom two players will be demoted.
    4. In divisions in the main body of the league, the top player in each division will be promoted one league up and one league across. The runner-up will be promoted one league up. The bottom player will be demoted one league down and one across, the second bottom player will be demoted one division down.
    5. Where the bottom of the league consists of two divisions, the top 2 players in each of the bottom divisions will be promoted.
    6. Where the bottom of the league consists of one division, the top 2 players in the bottom division will be promoted.
    7. Placing at the end of a session will be decided upon total points scored including any bonus points. Ties will be decided as follows:
      1. Highest number of wins
      2. Highest number of draws
      3. Lowest number of losses
      4. Highest number of matches played
      5. Result of the match between the two players
      6. Toss of a coin
  4. Injury and Failure To Play
    1. Any player failure to play one or more matches in a session, without informing the league secretary and their opponents of any injury, will be dropped from the next league session. Reinstatement will be at the discretion of the league secretary.
    2. The league secretary will make adjustments to the match scores when a player becomes injured during the course of a session. Adjustments will be made so that no player is at a disadvantage due to not having the opportunity to play the injured player. The league secretary will use his or her judgement to ensure the fairest result for all parties.
  5. Scoring
    1. Players will be awarded points based on the results of their matches. The points awarded will be as per the Points Matrix.
    2. 2 bonus points will be awarded if all matches are played in a session. Accepted claims for walkovers do not count when determining if a player will receive bonus points. Claims for walkovers against a player do not count when determining if a player will receive bonus points.
  6. Walkovers
    1. You may claim a walkover in the following circumstances:
      • After repeated attempts over a reasonable period of time you have been unable to contact your opponent.
      • You have failed to agree a time to play after offering your opponent three courts.
      • You arranged a match and your opponent failed to turn up with no explanation.
      • Your opponent was unable to play and after discussion you have agreed that you should claim a walkover.
      Players are urged to use common sense and judgement as to when to claim a walkover and always in the first instance discuss the claim with their opponent.
    2. Walkovers will be awarded at the discretion of the league manager who's decision is final.
    3. Points awarded for walkovers will be as per detailed in the points matrix.
    4. Walkovers should be claimed using the Wazygoose system.

Points Matrix

League match points are awarded as follows:

Match Score
Player 1
Match Score
Player 2
Points Awarded
Player 1
Points Awarded
Player 2
3 0 6 1
3 1 5 2
3 2 4 3
2 0 3 1
2 1 3 2
2 2 3 3
2 3 3 4
1 0 2 1
1 1 2 2
1 2 2 3
1 3 2 5
0 0 1 1
0 1 1 2
0 2 1 3
0 3 1 6

Walkovers can be claimed by players and are awarded at the discretion of the league secretary. Points for walkovers are awarded as Claiming Player: 4 points, Player claimed against: 0 points.

2 points will be awarded to players completing all their matches.