Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
Craig Dowie finished top of the league for the 2nd session in a row while Bob Aynsley topped the performances! New league session runs for 5 weeks to Fri 01 Jul 2022...
Adult Cub Play resumes this Saturday (28th May) and will continue through the summer.
Here are the results rom Saturday's finals
The Club Championships Finals will start at 5 pm on Saturday ((21st Ma) followed by Trophy Presentations
The Club Championships have reached the semi-final stage, with action starting at 6 pm today (Thursday)
Northern completed a League and Northumbria Cup double for both their Men's and Ladies' 1st teams,
Northern have 4 teams in the 5 Cup finals
Headline sponsors Dunlop and QS Lawson & Thompson were back
Club Play won't be on this Saturday (7th) because of the Northern Junior Open.
The committee met on Monday 25th April