Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
Both Northern's first teams were runners up in the Northumbria Cup.
Northern Juniors took over the finale of the Northumbria Dunlop challenge series recently.
Craig Dowie finished number 1 in the leagues while Alexander Linton was the clear top performing player. New league session runs to Fri 07 Jun 2019...
Ladies 3 won their Cup semi-final against Eldon Ladies. Northern 1 and Ladies 1A and 1B play their semi finals later this week.
Fitbit style watch found on the balcony of the Squash Section last night (4 May). Owner please contact Derek Collins
Membership Renewal is due 1st May
The squash committee met on 11th March 2019
No allowance for age!!
Tynemouth Squash Club will play host to the Cup Finals and End-of-Season Presentation Night on Saturday 11th May.
Sam recently lead the county team to the national finals of the inter county competition, playing at number one.