Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
It`s that time of year again when our coaching team visit local schools to see if they can find the next junior squash superstar.
Mark Dinsley topped the September league, beating Samantha Ward by only two points. Tom Cornell enjoyed a clean sweep of results in a reduced size division to finish top of the performances. The new league session runs to Fri 23 Nov 2018...
Window blocked in and new notice boards
The Northern junior of the month for September is Ben Tudor.
To celebrate this year's World Squash Day this year, Northern Squash members are encouraged to bring a friend or family member to Adult Club Play on Saturday 13th October.
Wins last week for Northern Juniors 1 (twice) and Men's 3. Matches restart 7th January.
The Ladies Friday squash sessions have really taken off. Come along and have some fun get fit and either learn to play squash or improve your game.
The dates for the Club Championships is w/c 25th March 2019. The Presentation Night will be on Saturday 30th March.
Dates for your diary. For season 2018-2019. Club Championships 25-30th March 2019.