Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
Roland Orton topped the league while Ewan Strathdee perfect scored his way to top performance. New league session runs to 17 Mar 2017...
Talia Tiryaki is the Northern junior of the month for January
Local solicitors, Lawson and Thompson will be sponsoring the event for the fifth year running. Their ongoing financial support is much appreciated and helps fund the purchase of t shirts for each entrant
Not wearing the correct shoes leaves black marks on the court...
The squash committee met on 16th January 2017
Regular Adult Club Nights to start in February
The December junior player of the month at Norther Squash club is John Thompson.
The County’s Premier event is back and will be held at Tynemouth Squash Club between 16th – 22nd January 2017
Craig Dowie finished top of the league while Adam Forster had the best performance. New league session tuns to Friday 10th February...
There was another great turnout for the Christmas fun doubles tournament on 28th December - 30 entrants of all ages and abilities.