Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
The 3rd Ashes Trophy Competition will be held at Northern on Saturday 7th September - 5 pm start.
Mystery of missing Thermostat cover solved but we still don't know where it is...
Has anybody seen the Thermostat cover from Court 3 ?
After several months of mould drenched walls and ceilings the Men’s Changing Room re-opens.
Gary Candlish won Division 1 while Alex Robertson claimed victory in 2A...
If you wish to be considered for the Men's or Ladies teams, please email David North ( by 10th August.
After a good start on Thursday night ...
Warm Up or Warm Down in relative comfort.
Gosforth East win middle school cup for the third year in a row.
Go live of the new light and payment system!