Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
The Northern Squash club junior of the month for November is George Gray.
Matthew Thompson won the league while George Frewing Cockayne was the best performing player. The new league session runs to Fri 10 Jan 2020...
Sign-up to the Referee Training Course 11:30am Sun 26 Jan 2020...
The Squash Committee met on Monday 20th October
Abbie Ainsworth is the Northern Squash club junior of the month for October.
On the 29th to the 30th November 2019 Matt is attempting to play squash for 24 hours to raise money for CALM (campaign against living miserably) which is a suicide prevention charity.
Here are the teams' standings in their Divisions at the half season break
Northern Junior Squash T shirts and Hoodies available to order via Wazygoose from Fri 22 Nov...
The Ladies Friday Squash Sessions Start again on Friday 10th January 2020.
Mark Dinsley won the league while Tony Cornell topped the performances with a perfect score! New league session runs up to Fri 29 Nov 2019...