Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
Craig Dowie finished top of the league while Simon Lynch was top performing player...
The Squash Committee met on 18th April
Ladies 3 retain Division title and League Cup. Men's 1 are runners up in Premier Division and Northumbria Cup
Membership renewal for the forthcoming year 2016/17 is due on the 1st May 2016...
Tynemouth are hosting the County Cup semi finals and finals, followed by County Presentation Night
Cai Younger and Erin Vitty win main events. Here are all the results and awards from Finals/Presentation Night
Racketball and Doubles champions have been crowned following this week's competitions
Club Championships week culminates today with finals starting from 5 pm
All the coaches agree that Emma has a work ethic that is second to none
Joe always puts in 100% every time he plays squash and his work ethic is matched by his enthusiasm