Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
Northern had fantastic success at the recent Jesmond junior open. We had 31 of our juniors enter the tournament and ended up with four category winners from the nine on offer...
Lewis Wake finished top of the league while Alexander Linton was top performer with a perfect score...
Over 50's have a great night at the Geoff Younger Tournament 2016...
Northern Squash Club Presentation night follows the Club Championship finals
Club Championships Monday 11th April - Saturday 16th April. Details of the Club Championships & how to enter.
Northern Junior Girls Help Capture Schools Title
Northern Juniors from Gosforth Academy Capture Title
Newcastle City honour for rising star Josie Barker...
The Squash Committee met on Monday 15th February
The Newcastle Northern junior player of the month for February is Katie Barker