Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
Time for the mature members to test their stamina!!!!!
The Dunlop Newcastle Northern Junior Open sponsored by QS Lawson & Thompson is a bronze level which helps juniors accumulate points for their national rankings and some of our home juniors performed really well this season.
The Newcastle Northern junior player of the month for January is Kieran Mahoney
Special Rates for squash club members...
The Squash Committee met on Monday 18th January
Roland Orton finished top of the league while Aanya Hamilton put in the stand-out performance...
Ladies Champion Josie Barker is to complete a World Challenge event to Uganda
The Newcastle Junior open is being held at Northern squash club on the weekend of February 13th & 14th
The County’s Premier event will again be held at Tynemouth Squash Club from 25th – 31st January 2016
Abigail Bedford is the Newcastle Northern junior player of the month for December