Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
Squash racket found in reception Saturday morning
Andrew Shipley finished top of the league while Derek Collins was best performing player...
The squash committee met on 18th may 2016
The final school squash event of the season ended recently with Gosforth Central Middle , Gosforth East Middle and Gosforth Junior Academy competing for the middle school cup.
Northern Junior player of the month for May and final winner for this season is Alfie Turpin
The finale of the season long Dunlop challenge series was held recently at Tynemouth Squash Club and there were some excellent performances by Northern juniors.
Summer team matches have started this week
We're running first annual Andy Lee Memorial Tournament on Sat 25th and Sun 26th June 2016...
Matt Hardy and Liam Gutcher are running another of their successful Think Squash Camps on Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd June 2016...