Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.
Due to the success of the Summer Leagues for the last 3 years, County have decided to continue with this for another year.
Northern Whites v Sunderland 1 match, due to be played today (8th January) has been cancelled.
Team matches this week include Ladies 1a v Northumberland Ladies 1 on Monday and Men's Reds v Northumberland 2 on Wednesday.
The inaugural county summer leagues reached an exciting climax during the first week of September.
It is the time of year when we need to think about next season and team selection.
This week there are 2 local derbies in the County Summer leagues.
Sufficient interest from clubs has been shown and inaugural summer leagues will run from first week in June to early September.
We would love to put a Northumbria squash rock band together to play at the end of season presentation.
If anyone (currently not nominated for the Men's or Ladies' teams) wishes to be considered for the 2nd half of the season, please email me before 3rd January.
Last week of home team matches this week - involving Men's 1 and Men's 2. All matches week commencing 6th April are listed below.